The Retirement Thread

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A 5 mile walk done here too, felt quite summery in the sun. Perhaps summer is almost here :smile:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Today is the day!!

starting volunteering as a "Digital Champion" at the local library
basically just sitting around and helping out anyone who comes in wanting any help on the computers

No idea what to expect

just wish they had chosen a different name

I have seen naff all saying we will be available in the libraries - so I suspect it will take a while for people to be aware we are available

anyway - I will be spending 2 hours in a building with computers and books - and (I hope) the ability to make tea)
can;t be too bad

Sounds cool!


Sounds cool!

There's a similar setup at our local library. Wednesday 12:00-14:00.
I'm not sure if it is one person who travels between libraries, as the different local libraries have different times listed.

"Just ask a member of the library team if you need help to access the wifi or when using our computers.

Tech Buddies are volunteers in our libraries who can help people use their computers, tablets or smart phones."
There's a similar setup at our local library. Wednesday 12:00-14:00.
I'm not sure if it is one person who travels between libraries, as the different local libraries have different times listed.

"Just ask a member of the library team if you need help to access the wifi or when using our computers.

Tech Buddies are volunteers in our libraries who can help people use their computers, tablets or smart phones."

Hmm - sounds like something we could use around here
also I much prefer the term "Tech Buddy" rather than "DIgital Champion" - which sounds a bit daft IMO!!!


Legendary Member
A 5 mile walk done here too, felt quite summery in the sun. Perhaps summer is almost here :smile:
View attachment 734542

Lovely photo.
Worth getting it enlarged and framed imo
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