Hello! I dropped on to CC to ask for a bit of help with a ride I'm planning. I will be celebrating my 70th by riding the Trans Pennine Trail, I need a bit of local knowledge from Lincolnshire.
I thought it would be very rude of me not to pop in here and say hello. Is everyone keeping well, I do hope so? Keeping out of trouble? Probably not!!!
It's always better to be in a little bit of trouble, growing old disgracefully is a good plan.......I think.
I can't remember the last time I was in here, sometime ago I know. In the last year or so I've taken some biggish steps. I realised my life was full of things I didn't really want to do or have time for. I've cleared all those out and feel much better for it. We've had some big events; granddaughter number two arrived last autumn and we have recently heard #3 will be with us in December. Another granddaughter, they can't keep a secret, and I'm getting seriously worried the male line will run out................
In less cheerful news Mrs P was diagnosed with bowel cancer in the autumn. Successful surgery has removed the growth and she's about to start the fourth and final round of chemo next week. The first round of chemo was horrific. Indescribable. Mrs P was hospitalised for 15 days after the treatment to aid her recovery from the side-effects of the treatment. It was dreadful. The subsequent rounds have been on a reduced and tolerable dosage.
Lots of other little stuff but none of us have time for a book. I hope all is and will continue to go well for you all.