The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Change of plans. Mr WD wanted to take his prescription into the quacks. Spookily enough he left it until and then said while we are in town we can get fish and chips. I think he planned it :laugh:

It's scorching here. Washing is drying nicely as well.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
The second part of the bed has come but I don't feel like assembling it tonight because I need to dissembled the old one first and I don't know how long it will take me to do it all so tomorrow it will be either tomorrow or Sunday. I might do the other chest of drawers first tomorrow and the bed on Sunday, but going to Anglesey in the morning to see my daughter. Busy week end ahead then.


Legendary Member
Hi it's me again......well it all started with a tooth ache managed to see a dentist the following day and he put me on antibiotics, the following day I was in agony and the only way to stop it hurting was to sip ice cold water spit it out and repeat this lasted 11 hours stopped at 4am.....I was knackered but had no pain until I drank my first cup of tea....hell broke loose, tried breakfast the same and I was taking pain killers round the clock too.
For the next three days I could hardly eat and then when I did I was Moby Dick, two days later and loosing 3Kg in weight I went to see a doctor, a lot of help she was and said it was what I was eating I told her I eat very healthy and cook all my own food from scratch,
Her - “well maybe your cooking skills or kitchen hygiene and not very good”
Me – or maybe you don't know.......
I stood up and walked out, two hours later had a text saying “can I come back to finish your appointment” not been back since.
I started with just scrambled eggs which stayed in the right place and worked my way up on to other foods, in the mean time I had a stinking cold, but well on the mend now and my tooth has stopped hurting and I have another appoitment next Tuesday to see the dentist.
Oh two days ago I made beef stroganoff, never made it before so did it in the slow cooker for seven hours had a little taste very yummy, made five dinners, not had one as yet, maybe on Sunday with rice.


Legendary Member
I have just found out am a librocubicularist


Legendary Member
Today will be a total chill day.
I really enjoyed yesterday. I get on really well with my cleaner.....she works hard but we also have good chats. She is only 28 and Sue and her loved each other.
As she left Sue's sister and husband turned up.....we had a lovely afternoon. I introduced her to vodka and fresh orange juice.....she fell in love with it :smile:
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