I am awake earlier than usual despite not getting to sleep until just after 04:00. It is another blood test day and I always seem to wake up before my alarm on these days, seemingly in case it doesn't go off. My phone alarm has never let me down but I suppose that there is always the possibility. I usually set an alarm on my tablet too, just in case, but forgot this time. Hopefully, my reading will be OK after my holiday so my drug dosage can be left alone otherwise I could be in for months of adjustments and retest...
I am not into football but did watch the second half while eating a late meal. The man next door was giving me very obvious verbal spoilers through our party wall anyway... Shouting when England had a chance of a goal, groaning when Denmark did, Bellowing when England scored, Screaming when the Danes did, and celebrating VERY loudly at the end. I had switched off before the end anyway.
I don't have the time or energy to follow 2 sports anyway; cycling is already overloading me, especially with extra coverage of women's events.
I have my Garforth forum ride coming up on Saturday. It will be the first big group ride that I have done since autumn 2019. It looks like we will get a turnout of at least 10 riders, maybe as many as 13 or 14. Which reminds me... I must check that our cafe stop will cope. If any of you are in the area and fancy a slow, chatty tour of the Vale of York, you are welcome to join us.
Other things to do before then. Catch you again tonight AFTER I have watched today's TdF stage, which for most of you early birds will be tomorrow!