Good to hear from you, Monkers.
And you NN.
33C today and 34 manana..early riding will be required. Another Bromptie day as the bars are best with the hand brace. Later today there will be a mow. The hedgy thing in the front yard will be trimmed tomorrow.
We have wolves, bears and (mountain) lions, Oh My here in Wyoming and once in a while a lion or a bear wanders through town. They love dogs and cats. Foolish people feed the mule deeer which attract predators and themselves love to crop flowers and garden plants when they can. They love crab apples too. The antelope are my favorites and don't mess with peoples' yards. We also have urban prairie dogs, turkeys, Canada Geese, pelicans, badgers and foxes. What you don't want to run into are elk and moose. At 1500 lbs, hitting a moose is like hitting a large tree. Good to eat, though. While lions and bears kill people occasionally, a momma moose or buffalo is a lot more dangerous if there is a calf around. Of course a drunken or texting a-hole driving 80 mph has killed many more folks than all the animals combined.
Be well and safe and beware the drunken texting moose.