I am making a cautious revisit, keeping an eye open for TdF spoilers!
I had a bit of a scare at the health centre. I am a needlephobe so it was a great thing for me when the local anticoagulation service switched from a big needle in a vein to a tiny needle in a fingertip to take the blood samples, and the blood test done immediately by a portable machine rather than the 'litre' of venous blood being sent to a lab. The thing is, the portable machine has to be able to scan a barcode on the appointment card, otherwise it is needle-in-arm time again. When I took my appointment card out of my bag, the bit with the barcode was missing.

The nurse was tapping her feet and sharpening her backup syringe while I scoured my bag. I finally found the missing barcode crumpled up in a pocket on the side of the bag. Phew!
The blood INR reading was perfect so hopefully things will now settle back down to a normal 8-10 week testing frequency and I will be sticking with the dose that I have been on for the past month or so.
I called in at Lidl on the way home and accidentally dropped my shopping list in the car park. It started to blow away from me so I chased it for a few metres, and it came to rest next to a crisp £10 note! I looked around to see if I could spot anybody who might have dropped it but nobody was in sight. I thought the chances of me reuniting the note with whoever had dropped it were therefore minimal and I decided to pick it up and donate it to my bubble pal. She is on the way over and has just spent £30 on a rail card to help with her fares. I got another £5 in cashback at the store so I'll pay for half the card. Her visits to see me during the Covid lockdowns have been one of the few things that helped to keep me (vaguely!) sane!