I thought I would make my contribution to the incomer debate . In the mid 90’s Mrs JK and I were keen to move from a flat to a house ,we realised this would mean a move out of the area . As this was pre internet for us Mrs JK was doing the rounds of estate agents and getting further away in her search . It then occurred to me why not move to the village in Bedfordshire where my family had lived for generations, my Dad moved away with his parents when he was 15 . Then I could do all the things incomers are supposed to do , complain about the church bells , rural smells and anything else I could think of. If any locals complained about incomers , I would take them to the WW 1 war memorial show them the amount of family on it and correct them ,no returnees . The Kogs are back and just as obnoxious as we always were.
In the end we moved less than 10 miles , but it would have been fun.