The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
BTW...... I enjoyed TdF yesterday.
I have cycled all along that coast around is (or was beautiful) but started getting way too busy in the 90s.
I have also DRIVEN up many of those mountains and walked around that amazing mountain top village of Eze.
@PaulSB I imagine you have actually cycled some of those mountains?? You have friends down there if I recall.


Legendary Member
Good morning fellow retirees,

I'll give the Brommies a once over before we head up to Edinburgh tomorrow, we're a bit apprehensive about cycling across London between Stations but Mrs Tenkay has sorted out a route and I'm sure we'll be fine.

Have a lovely peaceful day folks 🏊‍♂️🏃‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚴‍♀️

Kev, I wouldn't worry about getting to Kings X, it'll be all cycle lanes and I'm sure you'll be joined by hundreds of other Bromptons on route. :bicycle:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Yes, its that time of year. They came inside looking for a mate. I read t'other day that there are some big ones this year.
I have a ginormous one lives in my workshop window. I just leave to do its thing but it does tend to spread the webs a bit too far sometimes. Once I saw it even tackle a wasp which was carried off to it's lair.


Legendary Member
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