The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Good morning.
Well that fatigue came back big style yesterday. I was back in bed by 09.30. Up at mid day then back in bed by about 1400.
Bad today. Whole body shaking, pouring sweat and weak. I managed to get down stairs on my bum.
I will try the Doctor again tomorrow, see if I have better luck. I have only paid into the NHS for 58 years so I may be expecting too much :wacko:
If no improvement I would dial 999 and get an ambulance. Alternatively 111 in Scotland anyway but don't know what the system in England is.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
That as well. Ever noticed cars stopped at the roadside or a layby with the passenger door open and the driver round at that side. No passenger, wonder what they are doing?
Engage brain before posting. Got mixed up with Jimmy Riddle. Doh

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Good morning.
Well that fatigue came back big style yesterday. I was back in bed by 09.30. Up at mid day then back in bed by about 1400.
Bad today. Whole body shaking, pouring sweat and weak. I managed to get down stairs on my bum.
I will try the Doctor again tomorrow, see if I have better luck. I have only paid into the NHS for 58 years so I may be expecting too much :wacko:

Not good news Dave. I hope you get am appointment to see your Dr And he sorts you out.:thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Good morning.
Well that fatigue came back big style yesterday. I was back in bed by 09.30. Up at mid day then back in bed by about 1400.
Bad today. Whole body shaking, pouring sweat and weak. I managed to get down stairs on my bum.
I will try the Doctor again tomorrow, see if I have better luck. I have only paid into the NHS for 58 years so I may be expecting too much :wacko:
Just a thought, fatigue - salt or iron deficiency


Legendary Member
Good morning.
Well that fatigue came back big style yesterday. I was back in bed by 09.30. Up at mid day then back in bed by about 1400.
Bad today. Whole body shaking, pouring sweat and weak. I managed to get down stairs on my bum.
I will try the Doctor again tomorrow, see if I have better luck. I have only paid into the NHS for 58 years so I may be expecting too much :wacko:
This has been going on too long. I think you should be insisting on getting taken in for some decent tests. I know we are all prone to soldiering on and trying things ourselves, like rest days, supplements, pain killers, etc but I think it's gone beyond that by the sounds of it.


Legendary Member
This has been going on too long. I think you should be insisting on getting taken in for some decent tests. I know we are all prone to soldiering on and trying things ourselves, like rest days, supplements, pain killers, etc but I think it's gone beyond that by the sounds of it.
I think you are right Mo. No, I know you are right. If I get nowhere tomorrow I will phone needs sorting.
Just 6 months ago I could enjoy 20/30 I can't walk down the stairs.
I promise to sort it tomorrow.


If 6 Was 9
Sunday lunch was excellent. :hungry:

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