The Retirement Thread

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Hello all. Went back to sleep till 9.00 so that's good. Glorious day here, bright, sunny and not a cloud to be seen.

Today will be allotment and garden. Really pleased with how far ahead I am with the allotment this year. Too early for planting but loads of preparation done.

Got a great tip at the weekend - hops!! Spent hops make a great mulch and additive to the compost heap. Learned this in Bristol, got home Monday, Tuesday rang round the local micro-breweries and now have a regular supply of 8kgs per week if I collect. 6kgs are enough to mulch one bed. Smells great.

They have a shop on site! :laugh:


Legendary Member
While we are talking alcohol. For gin lovers can I recommend Cuckoo gin.

New local gin brewed 3-4 miles from us. Well worth a drink and a visit if you're in the area. The

Best post of the week!

Thanks for posting that Paul. That's one I've never tried, but very tempted to order the Cuckoo Collection.......did I ever mention I like Gin!


Started young, and still going.
It isn't cheap is it.
You get what you pay for. Quality is worth paying for.:smile:


Legendary Member
@PaulSB let me ask you a few questions on gardening please.
1. We have just bought some Pansies and Geraniums to plant in pots. Is it too early for that ? (We have a leanto we could leave them under at a push)
2. If the frost will damage them how come they are left out at garden centres?
3. In a few weeks I want to plant some Geraniums in a new border. Will just good top soil do or do I have to mix compost in it.


Leg End Member
Morning all.

Another gorgeous day in Wensleydale.

Did an amazing walk yesterday where the lambs were plopping out of the ewes as we strolled through the meadows. Surprising how long some of them took to get to their feet after being born. Mutt was on a short lead but didn't seem in the least bit interested.

Walked around the top of Whether Fell where you can see the North Sea & the Irish Sea at the same time.
Bit too hazy yesterday though.

Another walk this morning, a short ride this afternoon then pack the van & head for home.

Have a good day everyone.
Eyes in the back and front of your head!!


Started young, and still going.
@PaulSB let me ask you a few questions on gardening please.
1. We have just bought some Pansies and Geraniums to plant in pots. Is it too early for that ? (We have a leanto we could leave them under at a push)
2. If the frost will damage them how come they are left out at garden centres?
3. In a few weeks I want to plant some Geraniums in a new border. Will just good top soil do or do I have to mix compost in it.
1/ Pansies are quite hardy, geraniums not so. Leave them out to harden off a bit, and if frost is forecast either bring them in or cover them over.
2/ no idea
3/ Geraniums will benefit from compost being dug in to the borders for some extra moisture retention.
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