The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Woke up with the shivers and a headache this morning, I hope it is only the booze I had last night.


Started young, and still going.
Morning everyone.
Really strange feeling to wake knowing that I won't be going in to w*rk. Lots to do though.
Welcome to the club. Always lots to do when you don't have to go to w*rk. Once you get used to not having to go to that place anymore life gets better and better. ^_^^_^


Legendary Member
Morning all, a lovely grey miserable start to the day here. Off out with the dog shortly and then I found some smoked salmon waiting to be eaten in the fridge, so bagels salmon, smoked bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast when I get back. :hungry:
Fish (salmon in this case) with eggs never works for me. I have never tried it and lots of people love it.... they just dont go together in my head.
I am sure you will enjoy it though.
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