The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
More like Joe's greasy cafe.
Listen.....if @vickster turns me down again you may be in with another chance.
I have just cashed all my ISAS and savings in so could possibly make it 2 star+......AND with a fish & chip supper.


Legendary Member
I wouldn't dream of raining on your parade. you've got a free run:laugh:
Ok, apology accepted .
But can I ask you, as a man of the world like. Which one should I accept......
@vickster lives in Laandan and has 3 bikes while @welsh dragon owns over 10 acres.


Legendary Member
What a choice you have. Acres or bikes. That must be a tricky one.
Tell you what Welshie... What say we give it a trial. 2 nights in Scunthorpe 2 star PLUS. Fish chips and DOUBLE mushy peas (hope mushy peas dont give you too much wind)
It shouldnt cost you too much.
Is that a yes I hear ?
Forgot to mention. I will be wearing a pair of Dragos Y fronts that I bought off him. They washed ok-ish and the stains dont show too much.
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