The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Thanks for the good wishes. Unfortunately the GP felt she didn't know enough about my case to give permission to drive. This I expected so not too concerned. I see my consultant in a month.

What is disturbing is the longer version of my discharge letter, which I hadn't seen before, states I had a suspected seizure. Potentially that means 12 months no driving. At least by the time of seeing the consultant I'll be three months in to the twelve.
Ask, the law changed in 2013.

If possible don't think about what may be.


Legendary Member
Behind bars
Had a ride down to Sedgefield for scrambled egs and beans on toast at Toshach's tea shop. Just wasn't feeling it today, misjudged how cold it is, so rode straight home.

Off out on the motorbike now (wearing my heated jacket).

Deleted member 1258

I got back a little while ago, rode an excellent 58 miles in the spring sunshine. The bike was lovely, no problems with any of the new parts I fitted, I've just got to fettle the seat hight, it was my first ride on the Eastway wearing my new cycle shoes and the saddle felt too low. I rode some lanes I haven't ridden for a long time due to a road closure, I often ride a short busy section of the A5 then turn into a small lane but this lane was closed today and I didn't fancy doing any more of that part of the A5 than I had to, so I decided to follow the diversion, which wound round the houses then round again, thorough Lutterworth and Bitteswell, places I haven't been for a while. Another good morning out on the bike.
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If 6 Was 9
The Eagle has landed........



Ask, the law changed in 2013.

If possible don't think about what may be.

Last time I had a definite seizure was 2011. I also know my triggers, low blood sugar and lack of sleep - both very likely during the situation I was in but which I carefully manage at all times.

Can you point me towards current legislation? I have five weeks to research this before I see my consultant.



Leg End Member
Last time I had a definite seizure was 2011. I also know my triggers, low blood sugar and lack of sleep - both very likely during the situation I was in but which I carefully manage at all times.

Can you point me towards current legislation? I have five weeks to research this before I see my consultant.

As well as Epilepsy Action, there's
where I noticed the change in the law mentioned.

With regards the "might have had a siezure", don't worry too much about it.

Edited to add
Don't make a note, either physically or mentally of the date required. You'll be adding something into the mix. Let someone else tell you, when the date has been passed.
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As well as Epilepsy Action, there's
where I noticed the change in the law mentioned.

With regards the "might have had a siezure", don't worry too much about it.

Thanks classic. I wasn't aware of this as I'd had no reason till today to consider it.

I'm not too concerned about the suspected seizure because I didn't declare it to the DVLA. I only found out today so obviously couldn't declare it. Secondly suspected is very different to confirmed.

By coincidence a DVLA letter arrived today which strongly suggests once I get clinically signed off I'll be OK. Clearly this depends on whether or not the consultant looks at the suspected seizure.

OT have signed me off, GP and practice Nurse both describe recovery as remarkable. TBH if you met me apart from 3cm scar on my head you wouldn't know anything had happened.

In case anyone thinks the suspected seizure sounds irresponsible I should point out I had seizures aged 13, 24 and 55. I've only been on meds, at the lowest dose since 2011. Plus I know and easily manage my triggers.


Legendary Member
Damage Barton near Woolacombe
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