The Retirement Thread

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Well good morning everyone. A touch dull and grey here which is forecast - hopefully the 6C and sunshine promised for 9.00 will arrive.

Up a bit early today as I have a GP appointment. Quite important this one.

DVLA website states after subarrachnoid haemorrage, which is what I had, inform DVLA and only drive after clinical recovery. It then goes on to name the procedure I underwent and says do NOT inform DVLA and only drive after clinical recovery.

So logic says one would only have the procedure after having the problem!!!! Rang the DVLA and nice man wouldn't comment though seemed to agree with me! Anyway he suggested if the GP gives me the all clear I can drive again.

Fingers crossed at 9.10am please:okay:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Well good morning everyone. A touch dull and grey here which is forecast - hopefully the 6C and sunshine promised for 9.00 will arrive.

Up a bit early today as I have a GP appointment. Quite important this one.

DVLA website states after subarrachnoid haemorrage, which is what I had, inform DVLA and only drive after clinical recovery. It then goes on to name the procedure I underwent and says do NOT inform DVLA and only drive after clinical recovery.

So logic says one would only have the procedure after having the problem!!!! Rang the DVLA and nice man wouldn't comment though seemed to agree with me! Anyway he suggested if the GP gives me the all clear I can drive again.

Fingers crossed at 9.10am please:okay:

Good luck Paul.


If 6 Was 9
Mornin' all. :hello:


Started young, and still going.
Morning all, a bright but frosty start to the day here. Domestics done and now on third mug of tea. I shall be out with the dog for a couple of hours ans then a mate of mine wants to see my new bike, the one I bought as a retirement present to myself last year. He has just retired after 30 years in the police so is new to this retirement lark and has a few trepidation's about what to do with his time. He is a keen walker and motorbike enthusiast, his present to himself is going to be a motorised two wheeled version.
Later, it looks like a gardening afternoon, cut the grass, etc etc. A full day yet again.^_^


Legendary Member
Behind bars
Morning folks.

Dog walked, first load of washing hung out. Mrs. jg gone to the toon to do stuff. I'm off the hook so time to test the new chain and set up on my bike.

Weather looks good, if a little cold, so will just follow my nose South until I've had enough and then get the wind to push me home. The best laid plans of mice and men................................

Have a great day everyone. :okay:


Leg End Member
Well good morning everyone. A touch dull and grey here which is forecast - hopefully the 6C and sunshine promised for 9.00 will arrive.

Up a bit early today as I have a GP appointment. Quite important this one.

DVLA website states after subarrachnoid haemorrage, which is what I had, inform DVLA and only drive after clinical recovery. It then goes on to name the procedure I underwent and says do NOT inform DVLA and only drive after clinical recovery.

So logic says one would only have the procedure after having the problem!!!! Rang the DVLA and nice man wouldn't comment though seemed to agree with me! Anyway he suggested if the GP gives me the all clear I can drive again.

Fingers crossed at 9.10am please:okay:
Break a leg.
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