Good Morning. 'Tis dull and overcast. I have a dilemma. The forecast is calm, 9⁰ by 10.00, but outside feels damp and chilly. So do I put aside my winter gear and take a chance on bibs, leg warmers, fleecy jersey and gilet? There is nothing worse than being cold on a bike..........oh, yes there is...... wet, cold, nackered and battling a head wind but you get my drift.
We're heading to Lytham to one of the more ridiculously expensive cafes I know of. My buddy loves it, he has more money than me.
Apex Cycleworks
Of late we have collected quite a following, our little group of three has swelled to eight. All fellow club members who seem to appreciate our more relaxed style. They have been warned our rides are increasingly becoming Last of the Summer Wine outtakes. Two young women are joining us, we're interviewing for a new carer as Lisa has proved irreplaceable to date.
Did I ever mention her? A lovely young woman who rode with us. One beautiful sunny morning we leaned on a five bar farm gate gazing out over a glistening Morecambe Bay. There was chat, interrupted after a while by:
"It's a good job there's five of you, it's the only way you'll ever muster a full set of senses!"