The Retirement Thread

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I have just googled it.
If I read it correctly there is a school in a multi racial area (as many are now) that have included some 20 celebration days of eg Hindus, siks, Muslims etc but in order NOT to offend people they have banned Easter.

Yes, literally unbelievable. They haven't " banned " Easter, The letter the headmistress posted said :

" By not holding specific religious celebrations, we aim to create a more inclusive atmosphere that honours and respects the beliefs of all our children and their families”.
Equality for the adherents to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster ( All praise his Noodly appendages ) at last 👍


Very pleasant day today, I worked this morning from about 8.00am to 11.30am, then took advantage of the weather and popped out on my motorbike for a couple of hours, the roads were reasonable quiet and I enjoyed a bacon roll at Watsonian Sidecars which is always a nice place to stop.

Cleaned and lubed the chain when I got back, now settling down with a cheeky beer.





If 6 Was 9
Very pleasant day today, I worked this morning from about 8.00am to 11.30am, then took advantage of the weather and popped out on my motorbike for a couple of hours, the roads were reasonable quiet and I enjoyed a bacon roll at Watsonian Sidecars which is always a nice place to stop.

Cleaned and lubed the chain when I got back, now settling down with a cheeky beer.

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I did some testing and development work for Watsonian in the early 80s.
Took old Mr Watson on a 50 mile test run around the Cotswolds in his new Oxford model before he signed it of for production. We had it attached to an 1100 Gold Wing and it went rather well, much to the old boy's delight. Had it up on two wheels a couple of times. :laugh:


An unexpected bonus of retirement...
Last night, went to bed at 10.30, still awake at 04.00. I'd gone downstairs at one stage and watched tv. Slept fitfully from 04.00 till I think I probably had 1.5 hours sleep.

Being retired now, once I'd took the kids to school, straight back to bed for an hour...

Piriton taken earlier tonight, that really seems to help my awful sleep patterns
Managed a 19.45 miles ride this morning
had to take a short cuton the way back due to a growing need for the facilities

hence under 20 miles!

anyway - this afternoon we went to my wife's sister so her daughter could do a first experiment for the makeup for the "Wedding of the Year"
aka - my wife's son's wedding

My wife's niece is doing the makeup because she knows her aunt and did a make up course a while ago

she did a great job and my wife looked lovely - sorry - I mean "she looked even more gorgeous than usual"

must get that straight in my head for use later

anyway - the test carried on when we went out for dinner and she had a few large glasses of wine
which always kicks off her rosatia and her skin goes red

seems like it has worked fine - but she need a bit more

we will - apparently - be experimenting again in a few weeks

This wedding had better be good - it is a LOT of hassle!!!
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