The Retirement Thread

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Our bank accounts and savings/investment info' are locked away in the cloud and the access codes etc are in a safe for the kids. They have the combination details.

As safe (haha) as we could make it!

When my parents died - only a couple of months apart - the solicitor has everything he needed to sort it all out

My Dad had specifically set it all up that way
all I had to do was decided if I wanted to keep the house or sell it

it was bad enough sorting out the little things - like emptying the house and the funeral and working out who should come to the funeral


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
When my parents died - only a couple of months apart - the solicitor has everything he needed to sort it all out

My Dad had specifically set it all up that way
all I had to do was decided if I wanted to keep the house or sell it

it was bad enough sorting out the little things - like emptying the house and the funeral and working out who should come to the funeral

Yes, life is complicated and getting more complex.

We have 17 different financial a/c's for them to sort out. 25 years ago we had only 1 bank a/c and a couple of Tessas on the go!

We never had Living Wills or LPA's either.

Or umpteen DD's online.

We have appointed a Solicitor to do the heavy lifting.
One thing to think about is that once the death has been officially recognised then things like bank accounts start to close down

Then you need documentation and stuff to access them

so - morbid and all that - if there is someone who needs the money to keep going then you need to have someone who will be able to function and get the money somewhere away from your accounts for them to use

I was talking to someone a while ago and her partner of many many years died - and suddenly the money that she needed to food, heating and everything was locked away
she could have got to it but the death of her partner really messed up her thinking
which is quite understandable
apparently some companies were quite understanding
some were positively obstructive

This is again a reason to have a solicitor involved - then there is someone unconnected to the emotion that you can go to and ask for help and to sort things out that companies HAVE to listen to
RIght then

I seem to be safe

I have wandered around Widnes - ASDA and some other places
and some places in St Helens

and every time I went through one of those security barriers it went off

and at ASDA I used the Scan and Go as usual and it came up for and "accuracy check"

no security people tried to stop me in any case

but I have started to suspect that Uncle Elon from the United Treasonous Former Colonies (as someone on another forum calls them) might have seen some things I have posted about him and his mate and "hacked the system"

but I have survived

so far
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