The Rail Enthusiast thread

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
All this nonsense keeps my brain ticking over, even if nobody quite believes me. The post on page 3 was mainly because I didn't think it would ever get this far, and, also it provides a reference for the rest of you.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
So, to start trying to memorise the D800 class, all 71 of them* along with the D600s and also the Jubilees as I tried to do before.

Of course, I can't prove any of this, but.... umm... anyway!

* - A few, a handful really of the names on the '800s were reused on the class 50s, but strangely, when I tried to memorise them before, I found them to be the hardest to remember because I had already associated them with certain numbers of the class 50s.


*Note to self: Get out more!*

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Sir Brian Robertson


I remembered!

No you didn't, you looked it up! :tongue: :laugh:

Cant do any of the others apart for 832 Onslaught

D801 Vanguard, 802 Formidable, 803 Albion, 804 Avenger, 805 Benbow, 806 806.... erm.... oh yeah, Cambrian I think, then 807 Caradoc..... 808, 808, 808...... Centaur! 809 is Champion, 810 Cockade, 811 Daring, now 812 was meant to be Despatch, but was instead named something like The Royal Navy Reserve 1859 - 1959 or similar.

D813 ...... now if 816 is Eclipse, then...... DIADEM, THAT'S IT!! So, D813 Diadem, 814 Dragon, 815 Druid, 816 Ecipse D817 Foxhound, 818 Glory, 819..... oh crap, what IS that??........ Pass for now*...... D820 Grenville, D821 Greyhound.

D822.... umm... Hercules I think, 823 Hermes, 824 Highflyer, 825 Intrepid, 826 Jupiter, 827 Kelly, 828 Magnificent, 829 Magpie, 830 Majestic, 831........ oh, why oh why oh why! ........ oh yeah, its Monarch. 832 Onslaught, D833 Panther, 834 Pathfinder, and.... that's about as far as I go at the moment except for things like 846 Steadfast and D848 Sultan.

Now, as for D819..... oh thats awful!!

* - I have no lists in front of me, and I probably have 801 and 802 round the wrong way also.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
819, what IS that??!!

It is one of the 'G's, but it is a complete blank here right now. Glory Grenville Glory Grenville..... what the fcuk IS IT!!??

I am not even sure if Grenville was 819 or 820, but there is still a name missing anyway!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
[QUOTE 2460093, member: 45"]From today's fun...[/quote]

I can't load the first link.

I'd love a garden railway like that in the second link though!!
I can't load the first link.
I'd love a garden railway like that in the second link though!!
That wall looks very familiar!!, I think I know where it is

It's Gilling East, near Ampleforth, & this society;

I've ridden a 'cross in the grounds of Ampleforth Hall, which is entered almost opposite the railway


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
[QUOTE 2460090, member: 45"]Thursday..


Would be fun to see that pulling the Rocket coach it's buffered up to there....

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Sorry, the battery ran out on the iPad, so, he goes:

D1959 later carried the name Severn as 47513. Admiral Howe started out in the Navy on the HMS Severn under the command of Admiral Anson, which is also a name carried by 50022, so....

1959, 50022, 50023.

Alternatively, the first ship he commanded was the HMS Triton, and Triton also a name carried by Class 76 E26056 reportedly until about 1970 along with others of the class that carried Greek mythical names.
So, it could also be:

1959, 26056, 50023
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