Alex, tell me it's not finished yet...
It's not finished yet..............
(it is, and has been for many years, I think)

Alex, tell me it's not finished yet...
Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral. I'm always amazed at the way it dominates the skyline.
Windsor Road? One of my "frequent flyers"! Will post a couple of cathedral pics later. I did my mum a Boots photobook for Xmas of shots inside and outside the Anglican. Great stuff!
Always annoys me though that once you get to within a mile of it, from many angles there are no signposts to it and it can't be seen!
Coming in to land...
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From the top of Windsor Street at the junction with North Hill Street.Thats a different angle than what i normally see it and cannot think where you are stood!! Usual viewpoints are from the dock rd or parli street so next time out i will have to investigate!!
I took a similar (though not as good) shot to Reiver's last week, up at Windy Gyle
View attachment 23931
I've always been disappointed by the Anglican Cathedral, it's such an heavy brute of a building... cathedrals should soar and be inspirational. [Compare it to the RC one.... which is even better on the inside on a sunny day...]
I believe George Gilbert-Scott got the external mass and heaviness of the masonry completely out of proportion