That last photo I took was taken at 1/15th. The flash obviously froze time at a much shorter interval than that, but such a slow shutter speed meant that more ambient light was captured and that added to the overall softness of light. I took an identical shot about two seconds before at 1/125th and the difference was staggering. All good lessons.
As regards the 'rules', I understand where Cyclist33 is coming from. Elsewhere I've been following a thread about competitions and how some very good photographs score very poorly in local comps because the judges (appear to) mentally work down a set of criteria or rules about what makes a good photograph. If these criteria are lacking the photograph is deemed poor. Yet the very same photographs have scored highly in the much more prestigious international salons where judges have a matter of seconds to make a judgement call and would appear to rely on something other than a pre-defined set of rules.
I liken it to imagining how well Bob Dylan or Jimi Hendrix or John Lennon would do on X-Factor...
But, all that said, it's all good knowledge and there's no doubt reasons why such rules / recommendations have persevered and thus it's good to know them - and even be able to avoid / break them if that's the intent. But it should happen from a point of knowledge not ignorance.