The Photography Thread

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Über Member
This one is just a very quick snapshot off my phone, so the quality isn't the best, but I quite like the way it turned out. Looking towards the Strawberry Mountains, Eastern Oregon.

Another dog walk

I think he's getting quite good with a camera now. makes a change from peeing on bushes.


Well-Known Member
Just been to Birmingham to see the Minimum Monument artwork installation that was on the news. Bloody packed!!

Minimum Monument
by Tom Cash, on Flickr

Minimum Monuments
by Tom Cash, on Flickr
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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
All the photos in here look really great :thumbsup:

I just bought a Panasonic G3 from @Crackle and I am currently having a go at some night time photography and playing with different shutter speeds and ISO settings, I have also just got an external timer so I can do some Time-Lapse photography but nothing as good as some of the stuff in here.

I have never had a camera that you can use manually before mine have always been automatics even the Fuji S7000 I got 10 years ago was more like a point and shoot compared to this one.

I am also having a play with Adobe Lightroom and I have to say I really like it once I figured out how to use it :scratch:


Well-Known Member
Lightroom is excellent. Couldn't work without it. Are you shooting in RAW?

playing with different shutter speeds and ISO settings
The best way to learn! Straight into M and make some mistakes. Regarding your ISO - personally, I'd always try and keep it at 100 or lower unless you need to move it to compensate for something else.

Ideally, you want to be learning how to balance the aperture and the shutter speed...


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Lightroom is excellent. Couldn't work without it. Are you shooting in RAW

The best way to learn! Straight into M and make some mistakes. Regarding your ISO - personally, I'd always try and keep it at 100 or lower unless you need to move it to compensate for something else.

Ideally, you want to be learning how to balance the aperture and the shutter speed...

I am not shooting in RAW at the moment as I only have a 2GB memory card but as soon as the 32GB card gets here I will be.

I have used the custom settings menu and I have one setup for Night and another for Time-Lapse.

The iso in this camera only goes down to 160, I had a play the other night so I could see how different iso settings worked and what happens if you hold the shutter open for a while and did these:

This is at 200 iso and holding the shutter open for 40 seconds


and these are at 1600 iso:


So that showed me what the iso settings do because to be honest most of this is gobbledygook to me ^_^

And this afternoon i had a play with Time-Lapse and did a short video which is poor quality but I just wanted to have a quick play and see how everything worked and here is it:



Well-Known Member
Good progress so far then!

I am not shooting in RAW at the moment as I only have a 2GB memory card but as soon as the 32GB card gets here I will be.

The iso in this camera only goes down to 160, I had a play the other night so I could see how different iso settings worked and what happens if you hold the shutter open for a while and did these:
Lightroom loves RAW files. It preserves far more quality than editing JPGs.

Can you adjust your aperture? I understand how it can all be daunting at the start. I remember trying to get my head around aperture settings and the exposure triangle!!!

My first pictures were awful lol.
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