The Olympic Games - is anyone bothered?

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Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Mr Pig said:
I tried Judo about ten years ago but it was really hard! It's a LOT more physically demanding than a non-contact sport like Karate. Respect dude.

There is nothing non contact about karate ! I sustained 2 broken ribs during a club sparring session :thumbsup:

I am enjoying the swimming and gymnastics and really looking forward to the track cycling starting.


Legendary Member
Regarding the opening ceremony at the Olympics in London.
I can think of no more fitting person than the Duke of Edinburgh to cut a ribbon and say a few words. Just in case he doesn't hang in until 2012, perhaps he would be kind enough to record something.:thumbsup:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Just watched the opening ceremony highlights on iplayer.
Pretty damn impressive I thought. In a world of cgi visuals, nice to see real people, real props/sets and all the complexity that goes with it working with such ease and precision.
Gonna be hard to top in 2012.
Fab Foodie said:
Just watched the opening ceremony highlights on iplayer.
Pretty damn impressive I thought. In a world of cgi visuals, nice to see real people, real props/sets and all the complexity that goes with it working with such ease and precision.
Gonna be hard to top in 2012.

I have had a brainwave...;)
There has been much reportage of the opening ceremony and how London will not be able to compete etc etc.
Haven't seen the opening but may I suggest to Lord Coe and all the other hangers on members of the organising bods that all 'medium to long-term benefit claimants be put to 'work' learning the dance steps and moves suitable to top China's ceremony. By 2012 there will be a big pool of performers available - at no further cost! Direction and other stuff can be provided by one of the many dance, music, theatre groups who have previously gained funding from, amongst others, the ex Mayor of London. There must be other suggestions for opening gambits - 10.000 PCSOs all carrying their Subway bags perhaps? Binmen chucking black bags all over the stadium?
"Come On London 2012"

Oh - and I did see a bit of the horse cross country jumping this morning. Magnificent animals - they must be so fit to jump and run, all the while with a person sitting on their back. Horses who do all that deserve a medal.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Nice idea, Ape. Could we get all the yobs on asbo's to do some synchronised knife fighting, with the bums doing a Stomp style display while doing their 'shopping' from the dustbins?

Mr Pig

New Member
FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:
There is nothing non contact about karate ! I sustained 2 broken ribs during a sparring session.

Ha ha, I got a cracked sternum! ;0) Took ages to heal and hurt if I breathed too deeply.

It's 'supposed' to be non-contact ;0)

I saw a bunch of guys doing Judo in a local sports centre and, having done a couple of years of Karate in my teens, thought it would be a, interesting way to loose weight. When I went in to ask them about joining it turned out that it was a practice session for brown and black belts, but they let me join in anyway! Talk about pigs to the slaughter. Out of my depth doesn't cover it. I went for about a year but I physically wasn't up to it and felt I wasn't really getting anywhere.

I agree that any training will help you in a fight but I also think there's great danger in over confidence. I knew I Karate black belt who was stabbed to death in a fight. Fights are messy, you never know what will happen.
Mr Pig said:
I saw a bunch of guys doing Judo in a local sports centre and, having done a couple of years of Karate in my teens, thought it would be a, interesting way to loose weight. When I went in to ask them about joining it turned out that it was a practice session for brown and black belts, but they let me join in anyway! Talk about pigs to the slaughter. Out of my depth doesn't cover it. I went for about a year but I physically wasn't up to it and felt I wasn't really getting anywhere.

What club was that? There shouldn't be an issue of a beginner working in with higher grades. In fact that should be a good way to learn, however, the higher grades should be tailoring their practice to you. You shouldn't have felt out of your depth, unless you were really bad of course...;):wacko:

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Dayvo said:
Gym!? GYM!? Dojo! ;)

Which is Japanese for gym, innit? :wacko:

One of the things that always annoyed me a bit about the "traditional" arts was the obfuscation of things by the use of Japanese (or Chinese, or Fillipino, or Thai...) terminology. If it's a kick, call it a kick ffs. I

The lack of that was one of the many ways that training in an MMA gym was a breath of fresh air for me.

Mr Pig

New Member
magnatom said:
What club was that? There shouldn't be an issue of a beginner working in with higher grades.

It was in Rawyards Sports Centre in Airdrie. There wasn't an 'issue', the guys were really nice, but a beginner fighting a black belt is only going to go one way. And yes, I 'was' that bad! ;0) They didn't have to beat me, just wait until I got exhausted.


New Member

Mr Pig

New Member
John the Monkey said:
One of the things that always annoyed me was the use of Japanese (or Chinese) terminology.

At Karate we had to shout when we landed a punch. People just made up yells that sounded oriental and aggressive, I always felt stupid doing it ;0)


Come 2012, can't we just put some bunting along the roof of the olympic stadium, then have the mayor unveil a plaque? It could be followed by tea and clotted cream scones, served on tressle tables...
Hopefully there will be some architecture.
I was mightily impressed when I saw this - imagination or what? Rem Koolhaas strikes!
Will the Olympics inspire 'council housing' on a grand scale, or multi-use buildings? New beginnings or a collection of albatrosses suspended in front of the government of the day? (Cue resident architect simon1.5...;))


back and brave
I reckon an approach more relevant to the venue is required and, with a nod to the joys of public transport, the athletes could rush into the stadium looking dishevelled, carrying a corporate coffee and claim to be sorry for being late.
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