Fab Foodie said:
Just watched the opening ceremony highlights on iplayer.
Pretty damn impressive I thought. In a world of cgi visuals, nice to see real people, real props/sets and all the complexity that goes with it working with such ease and precision.
Gonna be hard to top in 2012.
I have had a brainwave...

There has been much reportage of the opening ceremony and how London will not be able to compete etc etc.
Haven't seen the opening but may I suggest to Lord Coe and all the other
hangers on members of the organising bods that all 'medium to long-term benefit claimants be put to 'work' learning the dance steps and moves suitable to top China's ceremony. By 2012 there will be a big pool of performers available - at no further cost! Direction and other stuff can be provided by one of the many dance, music, theatre groups who have previously gained funding from, amongst others, the
ex Mayor of London. There must be other suggestions for opening gambits - 10.000 PCSOs all carrying their Subway bags perhaps? Binmen chucking black bags all over the stadium?
"Come On London 2012"
Oh - and I did see a bit of the horse cross country jumping this morning. Magnificent animals - they must be so fit to jump and run, all the while with a person sitting on their back. Horses who do all that deserve a medal.