That was one of my more - in fact easily the most - eventful metric century outings. Lovely day, no ice remaining after midday, sunshine and only mid-teens wind speed, albeit it was about 3-4C all day. Despite all that good stuff, I arrived home smeared with blood and pretty much covered in manure slurry, which really wasn't part of the plan or desire :-\
Blood acquisition: there's a flood-damaged bridge I had to cross which currently has a temporary, metal bridge on top of it, pending repair. It has a steep (20% or so) ramp, a flat bit and then a down ramp. It's composed of jagged slats about 100mm wide and about a wheel-width apart and the only thing which could readily add to the hazard would be embedded, vertical spears poking through. It does have a 'Cyclists dismount' warning but this had blown over. I chose to walk over it - the chap I'd just passed didn't. I've actually never seen facial injuries that bad before and am still moderately shaken up by the experience. Helping the injured man and picking up his bike resulted in the 'covered in blood' aspect of my return home. (It was serious, he was taken to A&E.) The farmer nearby said that this was the fourth fall in three weeks and the second today. So, in the unlikely event that anyone reading this is cycling along the A683 from Sedbergh to Kirkby Lonsdale don't even think about cycling over this temporary bridge. (I nearly did - it's not obvious how hazardous it is until quite close as it looks like solid metal).
Slurry acquisition: 'fortunately' for my state of being rather bloody, I passed a tractor jetting manure slurry (basically fermented, liquid manure) into a field. The wind picked up as I passed and I essentially cycled through a localised, 30 metres or so long, shower of slurry, which nicely hid the blood stains. Genuinely fortunately, I had my scarf fully covering my face and it was only another hour to home at that point. (And clearly, this was a mere nothing compared to the injured man; it was almost funny in comparison.)
Cleaning up post-ride took considerably longer than usual this afternoon!
That's far more 'interest' than I think is good for a 100km.