The Metric Century (100KM) A Month Challenge ChatZone

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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Bit of a disaster today so I'm still on the starting blocks, so to speak. Could be tricky as I'm unavailable for the next two weekends so fingers are crossed the weather isn't bad for the last weekend of the month.:blink:


First ride posted. Feel free to follow me on Strava as well, could do with the encouragement as I've only been cycling since October. But I have managed a 100km every month since November so this challenge will help motivate me.

Good effort as you only started in October! :bravo:


I've come up with an additional challenge for myself - do at least 1 SOLO 100k ride per month. Looking back on last years rides I've used a lot of club runs/rides with mates to either complete the whole 100k or do at least half then half solo. Looks like my first solo qualifying ride was in July!

So this will be a tough ask but having done January's ride solo I think it will make a good challenge for 2016*

*(with the caveat that if I don't do them all solo I still get to display a shiney silver star... :whistle:)


Well-Known Member
I have decided to have a go at this challenge to give me an incentive to do longer rides throughout the year, not just in the Summer months.

I have just posted my January ride, completed earlier today, on the ride recording thread.

I decided on a fairly gentle start, avoiding any big hills this time as this is the longest ride I have done since September last year. The weather was cold but bright, with virtually no wind. I think some drivers must be sleeping through the winter, as I was almost 'T' boned twice, once be an old chap who nearly hit me at a roundabout, and the second by a lady pulling out across the road near our local doctor's surgery. Fortunately both drivers realised their mistakes and stopped. I was just able to veer around them.

Hopefully I will be able to complete the other 11 rides without similar drama!


Kilometre nibbler
I did a 100 miler today, which has been recorded next door in the imperial challenge.

I've decided not to enter rides into both the imperial and metric challenges. This is my own rule, and I reserve the right to break it if I want. If I can only manage one ride of 100 miles in a particular month, I'll save my metric challenge and enter it in both. But I'll only do that if I have to.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I think I have blown the challenge for 2016! :whistle:

I started off the year intending to do two or more 100+km rides every month but I had since abandoned the idea of the second metric century because I realised it would probably scupper my plans to start doing more off-road rides this year. (I would rather do just one metric century and get a few decent CX/MTB rides in as well.) I suspect that I will not get even one metric century in for January.

I started the year suffering from a bad cold and I wasn't going to ride feeling like that. Then I had miscellaneous guests arriving here to distract me, more eating and lazing about for my 60th birthday and so on. When I finally decided that it was time to get stuck in I let myself get put off by 20 mph winds and showers, preferring to wait for better weather. Here I am with only 3 potential riding days left in the month and the forecast is for 40-50 mph winds and some heavy rain on each of those days!

I can't see a decent 6 hour break in the wind & rain in daylight hours over the next 3 days and I don't fancy doing a winter metric century solo and in the dark!

I'll make a wind / rain check between 10:00 and 11:00 tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday and will ride if I can bring myself to, but I wouldn't bet my own money on it! :sad:
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Uh oh. It's certainly not looking good, Colin. I've not done 100km since 6th January, entirely down to too much wind, rain or ice; not a good January at all :-\

That said, Sunday looks viable, at least in the context of getting your 100km in: very light winds, chilly, and some rain, but the latter is not looking too awful right now. Better than most days this month anyway! I'm not saying it looks actually appealing, as such; merely viable .... :unsure:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I hope you can get it done Colin.:okay:

I'm late getting a ride in too and it's not great here either. Saturday is looking promising for my attempt, being dry but windy (if it can be trusted of course - I got an unforecast watering on the way home tonight). We'll see.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
This morning I saw trees swayed by 45 mph winds, and I watched sun turn to rain, turn to sleet, turn to hail, turn to snow, and a heavy mist descend over the hilltops. The thermometer reading dropped, as did my motivation ... I decided to live and fight another day and for that reason - I'm out!

I will try to ride an extra metric century in February to partially make up for the missing century but I can't now complete the challenge this year. I will carry on reporting my metric century rides though, with a notice admitting my January failure! :blush:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
This morning I saw trees swayed by 45 mph winds, and I watched sun turn to rain, turn to sleet, turn to hail, turn to snow, and a heavy mist descend over the hilltops. The thermometer reading dropped, as did my motivation ... I decided to live and fight another day and for that reason - I'm out!

I will try to ride an extra metric century in February to partially make up for the missing century but I can't now complete the challenge this year. I will carry on reporting my metric century rides though, with a notice admitting my January failure! :blush:
Shame, but better than doing yourself a mischief.

I look forward to reading the ride reports for the rest of the year anyway.:okay:
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