The Metric Century (100KM) A Month Challenge ChatZone

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13 rider

Finally got Julys done so still in ,did my standard Leicestershire loop just enough 62.2 miles , Been a bad few weeks for cycling for me as mid June I developed a Kidney stone which took me off the bike causing at bit of loss of mojo and then when I finally felt better the weather been awful


Kilometre nibbler
Finally got Julys done so still in ,did my standard Leicestershire loop just enough 62.2 miles , Been a bad few weeks for cycling for me as mid June I developed a Kidney stone which took me off the bike causing at bit of loss of mojo and then when I finally felt better the weather been awful

Extra congratulations for overcoming adversity


Kilometre nibbler
@Dogtrousers did you stay dry today ? ,It's been awful ☔☔all day here ,kudos for getting a century in today

No, quite the opposite. I got very wet. Most of the ride was just showers, but the last 90 minutes or so was proper heavy rain. I'll do a write up later but I've just had a plate of back pudding and a piece of cake and have a desperate need to shut my eyes for a bit


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Even more respect , I find little motivation for riding in the wet at the moment ,I've even unpaused my zwift subs

I have been hammering zwift this week as rehab, im only 5 % from the tron bike so you maybe able to understand why im doing the alpe most days.On a basic turbo so undoubtedly the resistance is set to low so im viewing it as a bit of fun to motivate me to keep turning the pedals,
Weather permitting i am aiming to get a metric ride in tomorrow then my next chance will be the 20th


Kilometre nibbler
Todays ride was primarily for the Lunacy climbing challenge. I'd planned a loop (start and finish in the same place, no crossing, no reusing any road - even in the opposite direction). The aim was to pack maximum climbing into (just) less than 100km.

Most of the ride went well, but slowly. It was raining on and off, but I don't mind rain in the summer. As long as it's not cold I don't mind. Kent was looking nice in the mist and low cloud. Most of the ride was either grinding up little lanes, with the surface covered with grot, or carefully descending them. But I was feeling good and got most of the climbing (1,600m) out of the way and stopped and finished my sandwiches off sitting on a bench in a break in the rain with only 20k to go. This was where things started to go wrong.

I rode into heavy rain, and it must have been raining like that for a while as there was flooding. Foolishly I'd included Succombs Hill in the route. It's stupidly steep, there's busy traffic, and there was basically a river of floodwater coming down it. I could hear cars wheel-spinning in front of and behind me, I was standing up struggling to turn the pedals and keep the bike in a straight line. Then my back wheel lost grip and I decided this was actually dangerous so I took an undignified dive into the hedge. I walked for a bit, the traffic died down and I started riding again only to find a big van that was stuck, its wheels hopelessly spinning and unable to get moving again and moto-mayhem all arond. So I got off and walked the rest of the way. I got to the top, having gone from damp but feeling fine to drenched and utterly knackered in about 500m.

Then I got a puncture. Fortunately it sealed itself but lost a lot of pressure and took two stops for pumping to convince it to hold pressure again. And to cap it all, a navigational error meant I'd pushed the length of the ride past the 100km mark (100.3!!!) and the rain meant that my Garmin had given up on recording elevation (it does that - I think the altimeter port gets flooded). So much for my "max climbing in less than 100k" challenge.

All in all, leaving aside the troublesome last 15km or so, a grand day out.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
managed to get my august ride in as the knee was pretty good , thankfully a steadier paced group so i didnt have to hammer it to get there .


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Another one done and dusted
joined the steady paced club ride today as im still taking it easy on the knee , 35 miles from home to the cafe for me then 15 back to the meet up point so i was only needing an extra 5 miles by the time i got home so i took a few detours :smile:
Not attempting the big ride tomorrow as its going to be a monster 130 odd miles with a lot of climbing !
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Ajax Bay

East Devon
Going out on a limb here but I advocate, given this is the metric century challenge, participants' rides are denominated in kilometres (and if included, climb in metres)?
NB I have restrained myself for months on this.
I appreciate many prefer 'freedom' units.
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