After a week of deliberation

I settled for these, buying them last night.
After 'applying the code' I had £16.50 knocked off the price, making them £148.50. I settled for the more traditional/conservative ones rather than the tan ones with burgundy touches to them as I think they will go with more clothes I have and of course they were over £100 cheaper.

I doubt they are (top of their range) Loake 1880's and I doubt they have an actual Dainite sole, though that's not a problem as Dainite is just 'a name' copied very well by others as I've found out having bought the same as Dainite, but not. Next step is to buy a tin of this I'll keep them for the coming warmer months and as usual with suede shoes I buy, I'll keep them in their box ( I always keep a new pair of shoes box for storage and with 'more expensive shoes' their boxes are worth a good few quid) when not being worn as I've found suede can fade or blemish in strong sunlight.
Pics will follow after delivery/arrival.