The men's dress style thread..

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
We were returning to the car as the town centre was rammed with people celebrating the food festival.

Yes, I heard it was packed. The warm sunny weather will have helped. Not my thing, but good for the town.


Über Member
Ah, if it was an Argentinian he tripped then good luck to him.

I dread to think how rough Common Spice must be if she's the posh one.

I rest my case m'lud, Ms.Posh is from Harlow, ( ahem!) symptomatic of all those who use & follow Faceache & Toc tik and other vapid social media!
Would her face crack if she smiled, probably ( Ms.Posh)

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Oh come on Accy you could have impressed Glynn Purnell and Molly Robbins with your dapper style.

Just had to look it up to see who they are. 🤔 No, crowds aren't 'my thing'. Especially if that crowd is in Accrington town centre. I'd spend most of the time checking my pockets to make sure the contents were still there!🧐


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Lol. Brand Beckham was a juggernaut long before social media (as we know it today) existed.

Disappointingly nobody picked up on the trousers I posted upthread...

1715850616 (1).jpeg

(I have genuinely bought them, not just for bantz)


Legendary Member
I engage in Coastal rowing

A bit like layby dogging, but you're wearing shorts.


Legendary Member
Disappointingly nobody picked up on the trousers I posted upthread...

View attachment 733221

(I have genuinely bought them, not just for bantz)

Is that a branding exercise or have you found Becks's old suit in a charity shop?

As an aside, my dad spotted George Thomas's old suits in a charity shop. They were made to measure from Hong Kong apparently. Thankfully my dad didn't buy them as they weren't his size. This wouldn't normally have stopped him as he was, and is an incorrigible hoarder. The late Viscount lived up the road from my dad in a modest suburban semi detached in Cardiff
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Legendary Member
A new discovery which may be of interest to Accy and some of the other dandies on here. I got a tub of Saphir shoe cream, and was sufficiently impressed to buy a set of different colours plus the various concoctions; there being a sequence of deep-clean with solvents, which you only do initially to remove other polishes or if they are especially filthy (rather worryingly including chloro-benzene which I'd have thought quite nasty), "renovateur" a whitish cream, then the colour, and optionally their shoe polish proper if you want a mirror shine. It is is at least twice the price of the normal stuff, but annoyingly it does seem rather good. and I'm rather sold on the stuff

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
A new discovery which may be of interest to Accy and some of the other dandies on here. I got a tub of Saphir shoe cream, and was sufficiently impressed to buy a set of different colours plus the various concoctions; there being a sequence of deep-clean with solvents, which you only do initially to remove other polishes or if they are especially filthy (rather worryingly including chloro-benzene which I'd have thought quite nasty), "renovateur" a whitish cream, then the colour, and optionally their shoe polish proper if you want a mirror shine. It is is at least twice the price of the normal stuff, but annoyingly it does seem rather good. and I'm rather sold on the stuff

View attachment 733867

Let's see a pic' of some of your polished shoes then!! 🧐 :okay:

I'm avoiding polishing my shoes 'obsessively' these days. Though I do buff them up, either with a brush or a soft cloth before wear, sometimes using a damp cloth to wipe off dried on mud, cut grass etc.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
No point in posting this in the thread I can't find anyway about fragrances, so I'll ask here. Have any of you tried this?


I'd like to try it, but it's very expensive, so it'd be daft to buy, then find I didn't like it and there are so many fakes/copies of it out there that even many of the small 1.7ml samples aren't the genuine item, so there's no point really in buying one. I've heard it's similar to this.

I don't mind Cool Water. I even have some, albeit from quite a few years ago and there's only a drop left in the bottle. I find it a bit too citrus like these days and not too great for the colder months, like we're experiencing now in this freezing June.:cold: :rolleyes:
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