The Limerick Thread

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North Yorkshire
Can I 'snuck' this in. Not a limerick ? maybe a poem ? if so a bloody strange poem.

I wrote this for my Sisters 50th birthday. Young children and Granny, stick your fingers in your ears.

Ode to be 50

50's arrived, it's the age that they say
your face becomes wrinkly, and your hair becomes grey.
That your bum is now adjacent to your arthritic knees
and you piss yourself when you cough
and sh*t yourself when you sneeze

Your memory harks back to opportunities missed,
and the first time you scored = got laid and got pissed.
You can remember the Beatles and detention at school
Navy knickers, semolina and Muffin the mule.
Gobstoppers, hula hoops and sherbert dips,
teeth braces, pigtails and 4 penn'orth of chips.

The day after.

Well thanks goodness that's all over,
your now mature like fine wine.
Your hormones are settled,
your sex drive in decline . . . .

What ? how do I know all this about you ?
I've been there, I've done it, cos I'm 50 too.

Exit stage to the left :becool:
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North Yorkshire
A sewer inspector from Hyde
Fell down a sewer and died
His unlucky brother
Fell down another
And now they're interred side by side

Should the last line of that be:
" And now they're in(turd) side by side "

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Can I 'snuck' this in. Not a limerick ? maybe a poem ? if so a bloody strange poem.

I wrote this for my Sisters 50th birthday. Young children and Granny, stick your fingers in your ears.

Ode to be 50

50's arrived, it's the age that they say
your face becomes wrinkly, and your hair becomes grey.
That your bum is now adjacent to your arthritic knees
and you piss yourself when you cough
and sh*t yourself when you sneeze

Your memory harks back to opportunities missed,
and the first time you scored = got laid and got pissed.
You can remember the Beatles and detention at school
Navy knickers, semolina and Muffin the mule.
Gobstoppers, hula hoops and sherbert dips,
teeth braces, pigtails and 4 penn'orth of chips.

The day after.

Well thanks goodness that's all over,
your now mature like fine wine.
Your hormones are settled,
your sex drive in decline . . . .

What ? how do I know all this about you ?
I've been there, I've done it, cos I'm 50 too.

Exit stage to the left :becool:

That’s sounds more like an 80 year old than 50 year old. Much of it tongue it cheek I suppose, to wind her up.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
A cyclist from Scotland found himself in a jumble,
When signs were all written in English double.
He said with a frown,
"This aye cannae be right!"
And he rode off in quite a tussle.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
There once was old Joe Biden
Who rode on a bike that was hidden
Though his aides were in shock
He felt free as a rock
As he pedaled down the White House's garden.
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