The Imperial Century A Month Challenge Chatzone

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footloose crow

Über Member
Cornwall. UK
September done, three more to go!

Lovely sunny day, the last lingering caress of summer. Blue skies, moderate breezes, quiet lanes. Unfortunately my route encompassed some unquiet lanes and Cornwall is still busy. September is called the month of 'the newly wed and the nearly dead'. and there are plenty of them. Tour buses attempting to navigate the narrow B road that runs along the north coast between Sennen and St Ives demonstrated how poor some people are at reversing but at least I got a rest. At other times the Garmin Varia just kept beeping away every thirty seconds. Next month will be better.

Can't decide whether to do this challenge again next year. Stubborness has kept me going this year but I have only really got two or maybe three routes to choose from for 100+ mile rides. I do find that when I know every hill, every bend, every junction, even every breathtaking view in the next forty kilometres that the sense of 'cycling as exploration' becomes 'cycling as a job'. You just want to get it done and get home.

I could take a train and cycle back but GWR insist on bike bookings and they only have 4 spaces per train. I would need to book a couple of weeks ahead for the early morning train and that conflicts with my usual weather watching for a window of opportunity. Worth considering though. I will also look at some bike packing trips (with hotels!) next year to include century rides. Different scenery will add interest.


The view from Lands End towards the Isles of Scilly. Beautiful scenery in Cornwall but actually quite restricted for long rides due to being long and thin. There were dolphins playing down by the rocks.


Legendary Member
@footloose crow
Have you checked the GWR rules for bikes recently? I inquired at the ticket office in Penzance this time last year and was told that the reservations policy had been changed to be advisory only. Then this year I took an unbooked bike from Truro to Penzance, and only last month I witnessed two mountain bikers stand with their bikes in the door area on a GWR express train near Taunton - they said they always do this and have no problems.
Of course there is no practical restriction on the branch lines, but they probably don't help you much in planning long rides.
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