The "How much?" or "You're havin' a giraffe!" thread

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New Raleigh Chopper recently released this month in blue or yellow, price £999.
On eBay already at inflated prices.
People who don’t want the bike but just make a quick profit 😬
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I watched a number of listings for the 2023 edition (you can do a search and still find some listings) and they weren't being snapped up. It seemed that the most of the buyers were buying to resell, one seller had two unopened boxes.

My favourite bad idea, the 40th Anniversary 753 Raleigh still seems be being offered as well! and at £1,700 it is no longer so massively over priced.


Back in the day, mine had a knob shifter. No sniggering at the back please.
The Mk1 had a knob. It also had seatstays that tended to break, hence the curved ones on the Mk2.

Mine was indeed a Mk1, circa 1971 if I recall. Had to have the seat stays rewelded and gusseted - to be expected doing silly stuff before BMX's came along.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
The parts for this may have added up, but I can't see anyone spending £850 on it -

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