alecstilleyedye said:
as far as i'm concerned, this place is the phoenix from the ashes of c+, at least in terms of the community stuff, not to mention the smut, innuendo and filth :?:
I agree. I like this forum and the efforts being made by admin to make it a proper community, designed for its users. My concern is how sustainable it is in the longer term, given the inevitable churn that always takes place. So we need to make sure we can attract a constant supply of potential new members to replace existing ones that drift away. We've got a nucleus of a large chunk of the active members from Soapbox and Cakestop, not so many from Campaign (always a quieter forum anyway, though still very important) and fewer still from the interest groups.
This means we have to make sure the forum is widely promoted in the outside world, and that it has attractive content covering a range of interests to keep people's attention when they pop in to have a look. And by 'we' I mean us members, if we want it to work.
Hence my suggestion of having a sticky for useful links and resources in Campaign- maybe there are similar things, but with wider appeal, that we can do in other forums? Anyone got any bright ideas? Product/ website reviews? Route/ ride descriptions? Things that take a bit more effort to write than a normal post, but which we try to keep distinct from the rest... I suppose we need to think of the things we'd like to find on a website ourselves and try to put them here for others. Thoughts :?:
We also need to think about how to publicise the forum in the outside world. BR will always have the big advantage that lots of people will pick up the magazine every now and again. We need to use other means- links from local cycling group websites for example. Any other ideas?