The CycleChat Helmet Debate Thread

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Dan B

Disengaged member
Why are the parents scared?
I wonder if it's anything to do with all the people telling them they could end up eating through a straw if they go for a bike ride and something awful happens, and that there's almost nothing they can do to reduce that risk to an acceptable level


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Absolutely, next time I'll be on my guard for the drain cover, whilst changing lanes on a one way system, scanning for cars and other hazards, but guess what, learn by our mistakes as you have stated, some times accidents just happen. Some of your notions that all accidents can be prevented is farcical, we are not computer controlled robots. I don't think I could replicate this set of circumstances whilst "walking down the street" and if I had crashed maybe my helmet would have helped protect my head.
But I've said all this before.
i don't have a 'notion' that all accidents can be prevented... you're misreading what i wrote.


Cracking a solo.
I wonder if it's anything to do with all the people telling them they could end up eating through a straw if they go for a bike ride and something awful happens, and that there's almost nothing they can do to reduce that risk to an acceptable level
A friend of mine finds it necessary to point out the fact that I'm not wearing a helmet every (and I mean every) time he sees me within touching distance of a bike, strangely though he's never felt the need to say to anybody that he's seen getting into a car to be careful around cyclists.


Legendary Member
A friend of mine finds it necessary to point out the fact that I'm not wearing a helmet every (and I mean every) time he sees me within touching distance of a bike, strangely though he's never felt the need to say to anybody that he's seen getting into a car to be careful around cyclists.

have you tried asking hime why they don't work in Australia?

I predict he'll just get cross though


Lovely jubbly
A small number of children of parents sufficiently into cycling to be members of Cyclechat v a whole country measurable experience. Please stop, it is getting beyond embarrassing now.
Do you believe the "helmet issue" stops kids riding bikes?
I would say there are many other factors at work as I've just mentioned. Stop being embarrassingly fanatical about helmets.


Cracking a solo.
It's just occurred to me that the same friend has not and will not buy bikes for his daughters (currently 12 and 14) because they are too dangerous, his wife agrees. He nearly relented a few years ago after my daughter (currently 13) taught them both to ride her bike one afternoon in my garden. They all had a such a terrific time that he and his wife nearly relented, sadly they changed their minds back again :sad:


Cracking a solo.
have you tried asking hime why they don't work in Australia?

I predict he'll just get cross though
As it so often the case, this is the reaction;



Lovely jubbly
It's just occurred to me that the same friend has not and will not buy bikes for his daughters (currently 12 and 14) because they are too dangerous, his wife agrees. He nearly relented a few years ago after my daughter (currently 13) taught them both to ride her bike one afternoon in my garden. They all had a such a terrific time that he and his wife nearly relented, sadly they changed their minds back again :sad:
Maybe they've had a personal experience where someone has been tragically injured on a bike.
Regarding children riding bikes, are children the same all over the world? I would argue yes, of course they are. Do parents care less about their offspring less in other countries? Of course not. These are incontrovertible facts. Another one is that the overwhelming majority of accidents involving children falling off their bikes does not involve a third party. Everyone following this so far? Now please watch this short video and see if you can spot what is missing.



Cracking a solo.
Maybe they've had a personal experience where someone has been tragically injured on a bike.
Maybe. Maybe they've had personal experience of people that have had tragedies or injuries due to motor vehicles, or smoking, or issues with pregnancy, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time on a night out, or rather too many other examples. I know them very very well. What's your point?


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Do you believe the "helmet issue" stops kids riding bikes?

I think it does to some extent. My brother and I grew up playing on our bikes, we were reckless, we wanted to be stuntmen when we grew up and we fell off loads, but that didn't matter, we simply had loads of fun on our bikes. My brother became a father and insisted that his kids wore helmets whenever they used their bikes and they seldom use them (the bikes). My sister on the other hand doesn't have an issue with her daughters riding their bikes sans helmet and the girls often play on their bikes... of course this is just my family and just my observation, so will likely be dismissed as an irrelevant anecdote.
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