It didn't work too well in my case. I was hit by a car last spring, unfortunately my head took the full impact to the kerb when I landed and suffered a severe head injury and brain trauma (rest of my body was unscathed). I had an induced coma and the neurosurgeons removed part of my skull to give my brain room to expand (otherwise it would likely be goodbye world). When they initially failed to get me out of the coma they gave me little hope, as the scans revealed major rotational injury where the left and right side of the brain had become disconnected, as though they had been sheared apart. They called my family in to a meeting telling them that if I didn't come round in two days then it was switch off time. By a massive fluke I started to show signs of life the following day, then shortly after regained consciousness.
I wasn't wearing a helmet at the time of the collision however a couple of neurologists state in their opinion that in this case a helmet would have made virtually no difference to the severity of my injuries. The one I saw yesterday afternoon said the most likely effect of a helmet would have been the surgeons would have had to remove pieces of broken helmet from my head. I wear a helmet now, not because I believe it will do much in the event of a similar incident, but more to give my family some piece of mind. Sometimes, thinking of the feelings of your loved ones, even if they may be misguided, is more important than taking a Mr Spock like attitude.