Going back to mountain bike riders, why does no one question their desire to wear a helmet? I was on a mtb ride yesterday where 3 riders fell off, were they all bonkers to be wearing helmets?
This is where the driving helmet argument works well.
People decide not to wear a helmet when walking or in the garden as THEY feel it is unnecessary, yet feel it necessary when riding a bike.
Absolutely fine, an informed personal choice
Now racing, and mountain bike riding is a greater risk then normal cycling so if someone decides to wear one when undergoing these activities, but not when commuting, a leisure ride or going down to the shops.
Again a personal informed decision down to the individual
Now apply the same comparisons to motoring
After all....
Look at rally driving, why does no one question their desire to wear a helmet and fire proof overalls?
I saw a rally on TV where a dozen cards crashed, some spectacularly, were they all bonkers to be wearing helmets?
Suggesting that ctivities such as racing and mountain biking are an argument for the average leisure cyclist to wear a helmet is exactly the same as using rally driving as an argument that the average car driver should wear fireproof overalls and a helmet