As mentioned by
@User13710 in another thread, Saturday saw me and two other fine people out for a ride. The primary objective was this:
Which sits on the entrance to an ROC bunker at Cuckfield. More to the point, they were having an open day, where the bunker is re fitted with all its cold war gubbins and a very knowledgeable bloke enthused about it.
While a lightly injured member of our party stayed aloft, two of us went down the ladder:
That white dial on the right is a blast wave measuring gadget.
Looking back up the ladder. Fortunately, despite an alarm of fallout detected going off, all was well and we emerged into the sunshine.
This is the insides of the altitude and bearing measuring gadget. It's four pinhole cameras with, I guess, photo sensitive paper, marked of in azimuth and elevation. There hasn't been a bomb, that's the trace from the sun. More pics
PS, do we need an Urban Exploration thread?