- Location
- España
Day 879 Wednesday, February 09, 2022, Quimbaya to Truckstop* 47km Total KM 16413
Min meters 1184, Max Meters 1368,
Total Climb 633 Total Descent 585
Min Temp 16 Max Temp 37 Ave Temp 26
* Google: 4.4857331, -75.7048150
I shoulda stopped!
I'm just not sleeping terribly well these days. It takes a long time to fall asleep and I awake not terribly refreshed. Last night the promised internet didn't work so with no distractions I should have been asleep early. Nope!
It was a dry morning though and I got my stuff downstairs and out onto the Plaza. Feeling a bit meh I thought I'd skip my morning tinto and head for Montenegro about 10km up and down the road. From there I'd cut cross country through the southern part of Armenia, take a main road and then hop off that into some mountains - first town Barcelona!
I walked up the main artery to the Plaza - I couldn't see a steeple but I could see a bunch of trees!
It was a very nice Plaza, a bit rough'n'ready but busy with lots of people. A coffee and I perched myself on a wall to soak.
My soaking, though, was regularly interrupted not by requests for money but demands for money. Looking around I could see that most of the people in the Plaza seemed poorer than in other towns, many older just passing the time. The persistence came from a younger generation, all male. It's not often that I feel uncomfortable in small town Colombia but that was my response.
Struggling up the hill to Montenegro the road split for the tunnel with "Armenia" in big, intimidating letters. That would be my road after the town. While I wouldn't be going into Armenia centre, Osmand was directing me through some substantial suburbs. Seeing that, I'd plotted a longer alternative to keep me on the main road. Suburbs can be tricky because I've no idea how safe or otherwise they are. I'd make a decision when I had to.
La Tebaida was the alternative road and that looked a whole lot quieter. Over breakfast, out with Osmand and a quick look. It looked a much better option and would miss Armenia completely. Sold!
On a good road more gentle than earlier the cycling was very pleasant. Some spectacular trees lined the road (photos ruined by the sun hidden behind clouds).
An odd chap was wandering around shouting at nothing and no-one in particular. That's probably the most anti-social behaviour I've seen in a long, long time.
I could easily have stayed. It was lunchtime, the sun was out now and the temperature had risen and the next leg has a bit of climbing. Such a lazy bike tourist!
I passed an hour as torrential rain fell then another 30 minutes as heavy rain fell. When it finally lightened, but hadn't stopped, I wrapped up and set off again. I'd a little over 10km to go - how hard could it be?
Ha! Dumbass!
Thankfully he was sliding to his side of the road so there was little danger from oncoming traffic. He seemed OK and waved away the attentions of the first car. At that point I decided to push up the hill utilising the gulley.
It really wasn't pleasant but it was safe. At times there was no gulley just soaked grass and earth and I took the road if empty.
I enquired about a room - basic, not cheap but the guy was friendly and flexible. Best of all I could get my bike up into the room.
I got all my gear up and a cold shower rarely felt so good.
No wifi meant few distractions and no restaurant meant a basic supper supplemented with junk food. But I was dry and safe. Tomorrow's another day!
Chat? Yes Please!
Min meters 1184, Max Meters 1368,
Total Climb 633 Total Descent 585
Min Temp 16 Max Temp 37 Ave Temp 26
* Google: 4.4857331, -75.7048150
I shoulda stopped!
I'm just not sleeping terribly well these days. It takes a long time to fall asleep and I awake not terribly refreshed. Last night the promised internet didn't work so with no distractions I should have been asleep early. Nope!
It was a dry morning though and I got my stuff downstairs and out onto the Plaza. Feeling a bit meh I thought I'd skip my morning tinto and head for Montenegro about 10km up and down the road. From there I'd cut cross country through the southern part of Armenia, take a main road and then hop off that into some mountains - first town Barcelona!
Looking down on Montenegro
The road, small like yesterday, was surprisingly busy. Traffic tended to bunch behind a truck unable to overtake on the twisty turny route. It was fine, but far from idyllic cycling and not quite what I had in mind when I thought I'd take the smaller road. Had I gone to Cartago yesterday I'd be on a familiar road today.Roads can be a bit messy but there is always colour and beauty if I keep my eyes open. Fabulous trees would be a feature of my day
Montenegro was interesting from the get go - a steep approach and then a tunnel to take passing traffic under the town.I walked up the main artery to the Plaza - I couldn't see a steeple but I could see a bunch of trees!
It was a very nice Plaza, a bit rough'n'ready but busy with lots of people. A coffee and I perched myself on a wall to soak.
My soaking, though, was regularly interrupted not by requests for money but demands for money. Looking around I could see that most of the people in the Plaza seemed poorer than in other towns, many older just passing the time. The persistence came from a younger generation, all male. It's not often that I feel uncomfortable in small town Colombia but that was my response.
Five Fabulous Trees!
I grabbed some breakfast, hit a bank (if all goes according to plan there may be no banks for a while) and headed out of town - on another new route!Struggling up the hill to Montenegro the road split for the tunnel with "Armenia" in big, intimidating letters. That would be my road after the town. While I wouldn't be going into Armenia centre, Osmand was directing me through some substantial suburbs. Seeing that, I'd plotted a longer alternative to keep me on the main road. Suburbs can be tricky because I've no idea how safe or otherwise they are. I'd make a decision when I had to.
La Tebaida was the alternative road and that looked a whole lot quieter. Over breakfast, out with Osmand and a quick look. It looked a much better option and would miss Armenia completely. Sold!
When there were views they were ...... meh. Lots of roadshots today because they were not anything close to meh!
While there was still traffic the road was bigger (and better) and the views improved. After about 4km I passed the Coffee theme park but pressed on - the road, on my side at least was now empty of traffic. A theme park on my own won't be much fun.On a good road more gentle than earlier the cycling was very pleasant. Some spectacular trees lined the road (photos ruined by the sun hidden behind clouds).
Immersed! I'm immersed in the countryside!
Another steep climb up to La Tebaida and I headed straight for the pleasant Plaza. A tad quiter than earlier I was charmed by statues (and information boards) of "local" animals - a horse, a squirrel, an armadillo, a dog ...... and to remind me where I am an iguana!An odd chap was wandering around shouting at nothing and no-one in particular. That's probably the most anti-social behaviour I've seen in a long, long time.
I could easily have stayed. It was lunchtime, the sun was out now and the temperature had risen and the next leg has a bit of climbing. Such a lazy bike tourist!

There's a small río down there. The variety, the quantity and the vibrancy of life around a río has to be witnessed to be believed.
I set off onto a busy main road but a decent shoulder kept me comfy. Some fabulous trees lined the road so while traffic was heavy and views limited I still had something to occupy me. Turning off the main road I was about to start a sweeping descent on a link road when the ominous sky started spitting big blobs of water at me. I'd just passed a restaurant at a filling station so jammed on the brakes and carefully reversed up.I passed an hour as torrential rain fell then another 30 minutes as heavy rain fell. When it finally lightened, but hadn't stopped, I wrapped up and set off again. I'd a little over 10km to go - how hard could it be?
Ha! Dumbass!
This road wasn't on my route at all. I spied this canopy of trees and decided to turn off. It was a few kms long! Fabulous and absolutely filled with birdsong. A unique experience in a place that offers so many special experiences.
I was already committed to the descent when the rain picked up again. Inside of 90 seconds it was like I had been swimming. Joining the other road I was horrified to see that it was smaller, narrower and had no shoulder at all. Seeing a few shacks along the roadside I pulled in for a bit of shelter and to don my rain trousers.Back on the main road. Lots of traffic but again the countryside more than compensated
I passed another hour standing under the roof of an empty shack watching the traffic hurtle pass. Trucks made my heart sink - each one filling the road leaving no room for a loaded bike. To the edge of the road was a steep gulley filled with rushing water - there was a hefty climb ahead of me too. All of a sudden 10km seemed very far away!Just because I'm on the main road doesn't mean that I lose my "immersion" in Nature
The rain did lighten, but not by much and thankfully the traffic did lighten too. With fading light I decided to go for it. I was just about to set off when there was a terrible screeching noise and a motorbike came flying around the bend ahead of me on its side, the rider hanging on for dear life.Thankfully he was sliding to his side of the road so there was little danger from oncoming traffic. He seemed OK and waved away the attentions of the first car. At that point I decided to push up the hill utilising the gulley.
It really wasn't pleasant but it was safe. At times there was no gulley just soaked grass and earth and I took the road if empty.
A fabulous tree casting shadow onto my side of the road. A little later I'd take the turn off, lose the shoulder and those grey clouds would have at me. For now though, it was pretty pleasant cycling.
Arriving at the top I started to pedal again and came to a roundabout. There was also a huge factory, a filling station and a small hostal.
I enquired about a room - basic, not cheap but the guy was friendly and flexible. Best of all I could get my bike up into the room.
I got all my gear up and a cold shower rarely felt so good.
No wifi meant few distractions and no restaurant meant a basic supper supplemented with junk food. But I was dry and safe. Tomorrow's another day!
Chat? Yes Please!
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