- Location
- España
Day 850- 852, Tuesday - Thursday January 11 - 13, 2022 Jardín
I appear to be mastering a new skill, an important one, that of being kind to myself. (I appreciate that sounds a bit self indulgent considering what I'm doing and where I'm doing it.
Then I had an amazing hot shower (it's one of the great things about a trip like this - I really get to appreciate the simple things) got dresssed and hit the Plaza for more coffee. Without the bike to consider I had more options and chose a cheap place with cheap, but excellent coffee. The noisy places were on the other side of the Plaza so I could let the music drift over me rather than be shaken by it. Two tintos later and Jardín was looking a whole lot better. I've heard of beer goggles but never knew coffee could have the same effect. And unlike beer the effect didn't wear off. For some reason I was reassured by the fact that a festival was taking place. Normal service would resume tomorrow.
I was really enjoying the atmosphere. Like most places here it was very family centric with lots of young children out and about. Alcohol was being consumed but there wasn't a trace of any excess or anti-social behaviour. I felt perfectly comfortable.
The only problem was that I was exhausted. It felt so unfair. A Plaza with lots of seats, lots of coffee and other drinks, lots of people and atmosphere but I was so tired I was in danger of falling asleep. The flip side though was that when I went back to my room and got ready to sleep I was already looking forward to exploring the next day.
Nobody told my body about my exploration plans! I slept until after 9am, a time incredibly late by my standards these days.
I strolled down to the Plaza for coffee and sat in the sun. It was a lovely day for cycling but I wasn't even thinking about that. In fact, I wasn't thinking much at all. There was something so calm, so comfy that I left my head empty and just felt.
The next day writing this up I can't account for a few hours. Oh, I can recall the details - a couple of coffees, back to the hotel to arrange to stay another night, some breakfast, back to the Plaza for more coffee, but it felt like I was in the world's softest, safest comfort blanket.
I didn't "do". I just "was".
There's a very impressive church here but I took in no detail - it was enough that it was there.
There was no shortage of people wandering around, tourists and locals alike, but I paid no attention - it was enough that they were there. I enjoy eavesdropping, not for the voyeurism but for the challenge of language practice, but not today. Maybe it was just that I was tired but it *felt* different. It felt special. Special places should be treated well, specially.
A far, far cry from my first impression.
At some stage I wonderd if I'd be having the same experience after a cold shower?
Not a shred of guilt was felt for just sitting. My Colombian guide book describes Jardín as probably the most beautiful small town in Colombia. In my limited experience they're not far wrong.
There's a gentleness in the atmosphere that belies its touristic status. It *is* a tourist hotspot, accessible by a better road in a different direction but it doesn't feel like one.
There's no hawkers, no-one selling drugs, the tour operators have subtle signage and nothing else. Calm and gentle.
It's clearly prosperous and with little of the chaos so commonly associated with these mountain towns. Children play in the streets just one block off the Plaza - I haven't seen that before.
To be continued.......
Chat? Yes Please!
I appear to be mastering a new skill, an important one, that of being kind to myself. (I appreciate that sounds a bit self indulgent considering what I'm doing and where I'm doing it.

The interior of the very impressive church. Like the town it was very, very calm. And like the town it was full of birds! They had free reign to fly and chatter around. Some pigeons were coo cooing somewhere up high. I found it extremely comfortable and spent a long time just enjoying.
iOverlander had a cheapish hotel on the edge of town that had cold water showers. After several hours in the rain I really didn't fancy a mountain water cold shower. I decided to check out a more modern one that I had passed close to the Plaza. It was a tad more expensive but had hot water. I checked in and everything changed. A little stream (quebrada) running down to town. It danced over the rocks and made music as it tinkled downwards.
First of all I learned that there was a fiesta in town. The Rose festival, in fact, that celebrates nature, basically. What a wonderful theme for a festival!Then I had an amazing hot shower (it's one of the great things about a trip like this - I really get to appreciate the simple things) got dresssed and hit the Plaza for more coffee. Without the bike to consider I had more options and chose a cheap place with cheap, but excellent coffee. The noisy places were on the other side of the Plaza so I could let the music drift over me rather than be shaken by it. Two tintos later and Jardín was looking a whole lot better. I've heard of beer goggles but never knew coffee could have the same effect. And unlike beer the effect didn't wear off. For some reason I was reassured by the fact that a festival was taking place. Normal service would resume tomorrow.
I just love these trees but they're damn hard to photograph.
I took a wander in a large square shape surrounding the Plaza, not too far because I was exhausted. I found a friendly place to eat away from the noise and bustle then returned to the fray for another coffee. There was no need to worry about not sleeping tonight! I was really enjoying the atmosphere. Like most places here it was very family centric with lots of young children out and about. Alcohol was being consumed but there wasn't a trace of any excess or anti-social behaviour. I felt perfectly comfortable.
The only problem was that I was exhausted. It felt so unfair. A Plaza with lots of seats, lots of coffee and other drinks, lots of people and atmosphere but I was so tired I was in danger of falling asleep. The flip side though was that when I went back to my room and got ready to sleep I was already looking forward to exploring the next day.
Not a bad place for a walk. Or a bike ride! It's better than what I rode into town on. Lots of MTBers around. (Not on the road - in the Plaza drinking coffee!
Nobody told my body about my exploration plans! I slept until after 9am, a time incredibly late by my standards these days.
I strolled down to the Plaza for coffee and sat in the sun. It was a lovely day for cycling but I wasn't even thinking about that. In fact, I wasn't thinking much at all. There was something so calm, so comfy that I left my head empty and just felt.
Arty Farty shot
The next day writing this up I can't account for a few hours. Oh, I can recall the details - a couple of coffees, back to the hotel to arrange to stay another night, some breakfast, back to the Plaza for more coffee, but it felt like I was in the world's softest, safest comfort blanket.
I didn't "do". I just "was".
A bigger quebrada ...... More music
There's a very impressive church here but I took in no detail - it was enough that it was there.
There was no shortage of people wandering around, tourists and locals alike, but I paid no attention - it was enough that they were there. I enjoy eavesdropping, not for the voyeurism but for the challenge of language practice, but not today. Maybe it was just that I was tired but it *felt* different. It felt special. Special places should be treated well, specially.
A far, far cry from my first impression.
At some stage I wonderd if I'd be having the same experience after a cold shower?

Bamboo trees exploding from the ground. I am really enjoying these!
Not a shred of guilt was felt for just sitting. My Colombian guide book describes Jardín as probably the most beautiful small town in Colombia. In my limited experience they're not far wrong.
There's a gentleness in the atmosphere that belies its touristic status. It *is* a tourist hotspot, accessible by a better road in a different direction but it doesn't feel like one.
There's no hawkers, no-one selling drugs, the tour operators have subtle signage and nothing else. Calm and gentle.
After having to rush through the really interesting vegetation on the way to town it was so pleasant to saunter along some more. Evening things up.
It's clearly prosperous and with little of the chaos so commonly associated with these mountain towns. Children play in the streets just one block off the Plaza - I haven't seen that before.
I talked this lot into posing for me
The beautiful, calm, very special Plaza
The beautiful, calm, very special Plaza
To be continued.......
Chat? Yes Please!