- Location
- España
Day 845 Thursday, January 06, 2022 San Luis to La Virginia, 60 km Total KM 15740
Min meters 929, Max Meters 996,
Total Climb 216 Total Descent 221
Min Temp 25 Max Temp 34 Ave Temp 29
Heading back into my old stomping ground
Ah! A night in the tent! I slept like the proverbial drunken baby. I awoke with the sun but decided to roll over and sleep some more. It was about 7:30 when I finally got up and out, the temperature rising.
I made a breakfast of coffee and oatmeal with bananas and just enjoyed the calmness of my location.
In no rush and half thinking about taking a day off I chatted to the Venezuelans as I dried out the footprint of my tent - it had rained pretty hard during the night - I heard none of it!
What followed for the rest of the day was the kind of touring I felt that I haven't done in a while - simply moseying from place to place. Osmand told me I had about 55km to cover and on these relatively flat roads that can be covered pretty quickly and easily. And if I found something interesting along the way? I could just stop there too.
If I say it was incredibly pleasant I mean exactly that. I might get bored with day after day of "incredibly pleasant" but every now and then they're a good day to throw in the mix.
Back on the pleasant road I turned off to San Francisco. I nearly didn't as it looked small but I doubled back and discovered a very long, well spread out village where just about everyone greeted me. Very pleasant.

Chat? Yes Please!
Min meters 929, Max Meters 996,
Total Climb 216 Total Descent 221
Min Temp 25 Max Temp 34 Ave Temp 29
Heading back into my old stomping ground
Ah! A night in the tent! I slept like the proverbial drunken baby. I awoke with the sun but decided to roll over and sleep some more. It was about 7:30 when I finally got up and out, the temperature rising.
I made a breakfast of coffee and oatmeal with bananas and just enjoyed the calmness of my location.
In no rush and half thinking about taking a day off I chatted to the Venezuelans as I dried out the footprint of my tent - it had rained pretty hard during the night - I heard none of it!
Somebody once told me that I was very pleasant and meant it as an insult. When I say my day was very pleasant I mean this ..... Very pleasant.
At nearly 11am I was finally ready to hit the road. That's when the temperatures really start to peak around here. Not a feck was given - it was a very pleasant morning with very interesting conversations.What followed for the rest of the day was the kind of touring I felt that I haven't done in a while - simply moseying from place to place. Osmand told me I had about 55km to cover and on these relatively flat roads that can be covered pretty quickly and easily. And if I found something interesting along the way? I could just stop there too.
Views weren't particularly interesting but there were lots of trees to compensate.
The road wasn't great - in fact at times it was downright lethal with subsidence and potholes hidden in shade - but I was in no rush. The scenery wasn't great either, at least in comparison to what I have been seeing but it was very pleasant. Truth be told there were lots of trees blocking views but they were interesting trees, full of soul and character and no doubt with lots of tales to tell.If I say it was incredibly pleasant I mean exactly that. I might get bored with day after day of "incredibly pleasant" but every now and then they're a good day to throw in the mix.
This is sugar cane country and that sign is warning that those multi-trailer trucks can be emerging from fields or side roads. There's always a man or two with cones, signs and flags to stop traffic and let these mammoths in and out.
My first town was Toro before I'd even warmed up. A bit off the road and with a Plaza at the wrong end of the long town it meant I got to see pretty much everything. I stopped for coffee and an empanada it being quite a while since I'd eaten breakfast.Back on the pleasant road I turned off to San Francisco. I nearly didn't as it looked small but I doubled back and discovered a very long, well spread out village where just about everyone greeted me. Very pleasant.
Taking the turn to San Francisco, or as the sign says, the "nickname" version San Pacho. In Spain it would be Paco. In other parts of the Spanish world it could be Pancho.
There was quite a gap before I pulled into a farm/cafe/restaurant for a coffee and snack. Very pleasant. Leaving San Francisco. Stunning! I was so glad I took the turn off. Like a city it seemed to have clusters of houses as suburbs. It's off the main road, not a touristy place at all, the kind of place I stick out like the proverbial painful thumb but I got nothing but smiles and waves as I bumbled around.
Then it was the last 20 odd kms to La Virginia, a bit of a slog to be honest in the humidity but very pleasant for all that. I could have turned right and hit Cartago but I've been there already. Armenia is just up the road. I won't be going there again! On a figary I'm heading to a place called Jardín (Garden) in a few days. It's reputedly one of the most beautiful towns in the coffee region that got dropped from my list when I couldn't take the road I wanted to take north of Manizales (landslides). What I know now that I didn't know then is that it's a tad inaccessible. Adventure beckons just to get there! Not to mention getting out again! Palm trees? I can't quite say but I didn't care what they were called it was very pleasant riding past them
I'm thoroughly enjoying these days on the (relative) flat, the easy cycling, the regular towns and villages. Why? I'm not sure. There's an easyness, a comfort to it. No pressure. That'll change tomorrow when I start climbing again! But for now it's just about perfect. Not the most interesting landscape, especially with the grey skies but very pleasant for me
I arrived in the chaotic La Virginia, skipped my usual coffee and grabbed a lemonade instead. Looking at the angry sky I made my way to a likely cheap Hospedaje but it was closed. A friendly neighbour pointed me around the corner where I found a receptionist completely besotted by my travels and a cheap room. As we were talking rain of biblical proportions started falling. My luck is still in!
Very pleasant hills
An ominous looking sky. Mr Mountain biker managed to completely ignore me - no mean feat as I was waving and greeting him
Today's río, the Río Cauca again. It looks calm and peaceful but it's actually moving at a fair old pace and carrying a lot of debris
An ominous looking sky. Mr Mountain biker managed to completely ignore me - no mean feat as I was waving and greeting him

Today's río, the Río Cauca again. It looks calm and peaceful but it's actually moving at a fair old pace and carrying a lot of debris
Chat? Yes Please!