The Bassist and Guitarist thread

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Well-Known Member
Thanks @SuffolkBlue . Going to see it on Thursday. I don't know much about acoustic guitars so if it needs a neck reset would it be loose or?

Is the action horribly high and the bridge as low as it can be is what I would immediately look for. I think you can also check with a straight edge flat on the finger board and the straight line falls below the top edge of the bridge. I don't believe it would necessarily feel loose but I suppose if it were really bad then there would be noticeable gap between the neck heel and the body??? (I'm sure I posted a photo of one extreme disaster I noted on ebay - but might be in the "how much thread", I can't find it at the moment but I'll take another look in my posting history).

Caveat - I'm no luthier and I'm more used to electric guitars. I'd have a good google rather than trust me too much!!!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Thanks @SuffolkBlue . Going to see it on Thursday. I don't know much about acoustic guitars so if it needs a neck reset would it be loose or?

either loose or the join is visibly pulling itself away from the body. if the action looks crazy high but the nut and saddle aren't the cause, then be wary.

If it looks right, it'll be right.


Well-Known Member
Just browsing Ebay this morning. Quote "The guitar is used and the action is high but is in still good playable condition"
Really, I'd never have noticed. Surely not playable by any stretch of the imagination? The neck is coming away at the heel joint in the photo so probably what's causing the issue although the bridge looks as though it is lifting too on the other photos (although that might be just the photo angle). Really needs to be listed as spares or repair?

View attachment 714516

Here it is (see the photo attachment as the listing has gone) - not sure why I didn't find it first time!!! I think we said at the time - it was scrap, but if it were a valuable instrument then a neck reset might work????


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
no words...




Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
What do you reckon guys. This came up in the local version of Gumtree.
It's a Squire Showmaster. Fender also offered a version.



Never seen one before, have any of you? Apparently sold between 2000-2006. This has a 2003 build date. Indonesia, so probably made by Cort. Looks to be in nice condition and the guy is asking the equivalent of £80. Worth a punt.
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