I hate to say this but not loving riding at the moment. Bloke is away until mid-late November and my hip hurts. I broke my pelvis 40 years ago and now it’s letting me know that it’s having its time to shine! Yes I have my Moustache E-bike and it’s great. Once up the hills I don’t bother with the E and just ride it. It’s fabulous to ride actually. It doesn‘t feel as heavy when riding. It fits really nicely too. I think that I have changed proportions somehow. I feel smaller/shorter.
I have decided that Beeston living is not for me. I came as I thought that it would be fabulous and that I loved my job, but it isn’t and I don’t. Not much work here as it is a holiday destination and lots of retirees. I have been offered a move back to West Norfolk so taking the opportunity. Closer to proper work centres like King’s Lynn and Wisbech. I might go back to construction if I can find something sensible. Who knows. At the moment, in the colder weather, my hip hurts and riding hurts, even on the e-bike. I might have to investigate sport or - heaven forbid - turbo mode. I still like to get a workout, even with some e-assist.
I rarely do the coffee and cake thing alone, it’s not as much fun.
I have been reported to the landlord here, for ‘riding up and down the cul-de-sac’. Also for driving on it and walking. I have pointed out that unless the landlord gets me a teleporter that that I will continue to walk, ride and drive up and down as I cannot work out another way of leaving the road. I am not ready for ‘old biddy-ville’.
My ride was actually great. Coming into Norwich I scalped some 20 something lad on a ’tour de France’
halfords Carrera. Not seen one for a while. It was well looked after too. He had clearly kicked on and caught me while I was stopped at some lights. He asked me to slow down as, in his culture, it was ’shaming to be overtaken by a woman as old as his grandmother’. Cheeky pup. Naturally, I turned the E on just for the pull away from the lights and left him way behind. I may have been giggling as I went.
I saw loads of cyclists out yesterday, none going in the same direction as me but no matter. It was a beautiful day.