A week’s R&R done and feeling a little more refreshed following my recent issues, the original plan was to start back up tomorrow. However this spell of cracking weather was simply too alluring and I quickly knocked up a route with a view to completing a few Midlands climbs that I had yet to do.
And off out I went.
The relaxed pace, general good feeling and good weather meant that my planned route was revised and thus extended to pull in another nearby climb on top of the three planned ones. Once this extra one was done it was pretty much back the way I came, branching off near oxton to pick up George’s hill in nearby Calverton. From here it was back through Nottingham and negotiating the many cycle paths out of the city. These are a safe bet around the city centre but they don’t half slow you down!
Once out of Nottingham I rode home back the way I came, with only a few minor deviations to cut down any more climbing as I’d done what I’d set out to do and didn’t want to overcook myself again.
Just a smidge under 105 miles today with 4,600ft of up.