The 2021 Half Century (50km or 50m) a month challenge Chatzone

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Looks a reasonable day outside. Bright and dry, but cloudy. And since it's officially sort-of-spring, I don't need to wear the Big Gloves anymore!

However, couldn't find the ordinary gloves, so reluctantly put the Big Gloves on.
Just as well - it was freezin'!

Along the main road through the town, then picked up a section of NCN73 at Stevenston. It's a farm road - used to be a busy "rat run", but the council installed bollards half way a few years ago, so no through traffic for cars. A few years ago, I'd have been avoiding cars and white vans, but today it was all bikes, walkers, 2 horses and one ned on a moped...

Reached Kilwinning, onto a cyclepath, and the council had been at work again. Normally those paths are pretty overgrown, with a "rideable" section in the middle that is sometimes less than 3 feet wide. A pain when you have to pass someone coming the other way. But they've pruned back the bushes, and scraped the grass back to the kerbs - so the path is a clear 8 feet, at least. Normally, after a few hundred yards, I'd leave the narrow path and go onto the road, but today I stayed on the path (which by this point has morphed into NCN7) for a few miles.

Into Irvine, round the harbour, and on towards Troon. Again, I'd normally use the road, but the path had been cleared there too! That's a big :thumbsup: to North Ayrshire Council - for 2 things!

Followed NCN7 around Troon, turned at Prestwick Airport, back into Troon, quick coffee, then home by a similar route, but sticking to the roads. 54k



Über Member
Surrey & Suffolk
Another one ticked off. Headed in the opposite direction today and went to box hill for the first time. Had been worried it’d be a bit of a climb but not too bad. Had a bit of pain in the outside of my right knee after about 10k so nearly looped round and just did a short one, but didn’t get any worse and the last 10k was the most comfortable I’ve been at the end of a 50.


I’ve had a stinking cold for a week and was in two minds about riding today, but being both sedentary and confined to barracks by volume of work has not done wonders for my mental health of late. So I headed out with the back up plan of turning tail if I felt rotten. I’m so glad I did. Tried some new roads and really enjoyed them, yet had the presence of mind to turn around before I got myself lost. Really felt the clouds lifting a bit during the ride, which was wonderful.
I’m properly cream crackered now ^_^
13 rider

13 rider

Another one ticked off. Headed in the opposite direction today and went to box hill for the first time. Had been worried it’d be a bit of a climb but not too bad. Had a bit of pain in the outside of my right knee after about 10k so nearly looped round and just did a short one, but didn’t get any worse and the last 10k was the most comfortable I’ve been at the end of a 50.
Your half century fittnes is improving keep an watch on the knee pain don't push it too much
Not feeling great today but managed a nice 50k and even found some local roads that I've not used before! Weather was quite nice and it was just fun!
It was quite pleasant out around here today . Another month and we will have to meet up again
I’ve had a stinking cold for a week and was in two minds about riding today, but being both sedentary and confined to barracks by volume of work has not done wonders for my mental health of late. So I headed out with the back up plan of turning tail if I felt rotten. I’m so glad I did. Tried some new roads and really enjoyed them, yet had the presence of mind to turn around before I got myself lost. Really felt the clouds lifting a bit during the ride, which was wonderful.
I’m properly cream crackered now ^_^
Well done on getting out cycling can be a great therapy


Careful with that axle Eugene
Another local ride, straying no further than round Bredon Hill. Two remarkable incidents, a gentleman exercising his delectable Ferrari Testa Rossa, crisp, barking flat 12 and all. Even more remarkable, this one straying into the realms of fantasy, a courteous and considerate driver in an Audi believe it or not, waiting behind whist I was on an uphill turn. You don't see that too often.
Bit of a slow month for me so far, mainly due to work not allowing me 2 hours of daylight to get out for a good 50k.

Managed to get out today though and felt really good at the start so decided to push fairly hard to lay down a marker for when the new bike arrives. Lovely day out so spent a bit of energy avoiding the usual pedestrians on the riverside, still managed 50k in just under 1:45 which I am really pleased with.

Planning on starting my hill work next week, not entirely looking forward to that.

Lovely day out today

A bit of a pink theme today :-)
Monthly update time
With @PatrickPending late entry we are up to 34 riders in the challenge
27 riders are fully posted up for February ,2 riders @AndreaJ and @tallliman have completed rides but not updated the challenge thread . Which leaves 5 riders yet to post so a nudge for @Sbudge ,@Saluki ,@Rob and Alison ,@slow scot and @LeetleGreyCells .
Well done everyone hopefully the weather improving
No idea how I missed this, obviously didn't press save on the posts. All caught up now.
13 rider

13 rider

I went out today in a gale. I was in the small ring going downhill at one point. 8% slope. F8 straight off the sea. I even added an additional loop to get to 50k.

When I got home and looked at the Wahoo - 49.9km.

I will try again on Sunday. It's all about the journey, not the data isn't it? Isn't it....??
49.9 that has to be the worse distance every recorded in this challenge my OCD would not have allowed that could you have walked up your drive and rolled down it .
Must have had a nice tailwind somewhere on route
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