Looks a reasonable day outside. Bright and dry, but cloudy. And since it's officially sort-of-spring, I don't need to wear the Big Gloves anymore!
However, couldn't find the ordinary gloves, so reluctantly put the Big Gloves on.
Just as well - it was freezin'!
Along the main road through the town, then picked up a section of NCN73 at Stevenston. It's a farm road - used to be a busy "rat run", but the council installed bollards half way a few years ago, so no through traffic for cars. A few years ago, I'd have been avoiding cars and white vans, but today it was all bikes, walkers, 2 horses and one ned on a moped...
Reached Kilwinning, onto a cyclepath, and the council had been at work again. Normally those paths are pretty overgrown, with a "rideable" section in the middle that is sometimes less than 3 feet wide. A pain when you have to pass someone coming the other way. But they've pruned back the bushes, and scraped the grass back to the kerbs - so the path is a clear 8 feet, at least. Normally, after a few hundred yards, I'd leave the narrow path and go onto the road, but today I stayed on the path (which by this point has morphed into NCN7) for a few miles.
Into Irvine, round the harbour, and on towards Troon. Again, I'd normally use the road, but the path had been cleared there too! That's a big

to North Ayrshire Council - for 2 things!
Followed NCN7 around Troon, turned at Prestwick Airport, back into Troon, quick coffee, then home by a similar route, but sticking to the roads. 54k