The 2020 Half century (50km or 50m) a month Chatzone

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Sunny Radcliffe
Up in Grange for a few wet and windy days, Wednesday morning looked the best of a bad bunch but the high westerly winds were putting me off.
A perfect excuse says I to get the train to Barrow and follow the Bay Cycle way to Grange with a high tail wind. Brilliant.
However Northern Fail intervened (yet again Grrrrr) when I arrived at Grange station with 15 minutes to spare for the 09.26 to Barrow, the train was delayed 30 minutes. So rather than hang around for 45 mins (as we were coming home today I had certain time restraints) I decided to ride to Arnside and back. I got my 50 Km ride in but the cold, windy and wet weather made it less enjoyable than it should have been. The last hour or so from Levens over Meathop into Grange was into a block headwind with incessant, horizontal rain. :cold::rain:


Perhaps This One.....
Nothing like leaving it to the last day. This January is the lowest mileage for the month for the past 4 years, and getting out today was a proper challenge. The 2018 'triple challenge' legs seem to have gone somewhere else, and lumps have become hills again:sad:
Not to worry, after ignoring complaining legs for the first 8 miles we found a decent rhythm as I neared Chobham and the rest of the 33 miles felt good, great to get out on a half decent ride again.

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
My idea of trying to add a 50 mile ride each month failed after three attempts in January. (For various reasons - at least my 'winter bike' is now running smoothly.) I will, however be doing my best to pop in a few of them this year after I've recovered from my second cataract operation. I have been advised that it might be an idea to wear sunglasses when out and about for the next few days and I thought 'Oh, boy, do I ever have a pair of sunglasses to try out.' :becool:

13 rider

13 rider

Just programmed my high tech paper tick list and with a couple of late posts and a miscount by me we have 38 riders in the challenge .
Weather permitting I should get a ride tomorrow


Congrats to @steverob first to post a Feb ride . I did think you were going to go through the first Sat of the month without a ride being posted
Got to admit I'm pretty surprised I'm first as well! Especially considering I usually upload my ride to Strava straight away and post on here not long after, but today was feeling a bit lazy and didn't get round to doing anything on the internet until about 6pm (having finished my ride at about 1:30pm).

As for the ride itself, I was a bit frustrated. Had been planning a 55 mile ride over a specific route for a good few weeks now, but weather (both the physical kind and the 'feeling under the' varieties) had made it not happen on all the previous weekend opportunties. Today was the first day where the rain held off AND I felt pretty good, so I headed out.

A few miles in I realised that my route was going to be problematic - the first 20 or so miles (plus a chunk at the end of the ride) were going to be roughly in the same direction, which was into a 20+ mph headwind, gusting at 40+. At first this was amusing, then it became challenging and finally, when I had to do a part on a busy main road, started to get a bit scary as I was struggling to keep the bike straight at very slow speeds while cars were whizzing by me (some far too closely).

Deciding that I valued my safety a bit more than completing a specific distance, I quit the route at 10 miles and turned on to side roads, giving myself a crosswind, although I made sure the next bit of the ride was mainly on roads where the roadside trees and bushes were quite tall, giving me a bit more shelter than I'd got on that open main road bit. By the time I'd got to 20 miles, I felt I could then turn for home with a cross-tail for company and reached 30 miles when not far from my house - a circuitous route into my estate, plus once round the block, helped me to just tick over past 50km.
13 rider

13 rider

Well, sorry everybody but my head hangs in shame. Due to an unshakeable (at the moment) chest infection I have fallen at the first fence this year. You'll have to put me down (maybe literally) as the first failure of the year.

Quelle dommage, je suis desolee.
That's such a shame ,get well soon . Nothing to stop you posting rides when your health allows for a bit of motivation to get out and ride


Well, sorry everybody but my head hangs in shame. Due to an unshakeable (at the moment) chest infection I have fallen at the first fence this year. You'll have to put me down (maybe literally) as the first failure of the year.

Quelle dommage, je suis desolee.
Rotten luck, hope you're back in the saddle soon.
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