The 2020 Half century (50km or 50m) a month Chatzone

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There are times when this cycling lark seems hard work. I chickened out of doing my February ride on Saturday because of high winds, had a turbo session instead.

Yesterday started very wet and I had a hospital appointment later, so no ride.

It looked dry and bright this morning so I thought I'd have a go, the wind hadn't died though although I nearly did battling a 15mph head wind for the first 25km. By the time I turned around for the return my legs were shot and I couldn't take advantage of the tail wind. 50km completed in my slowest ever time. Not only that but my Klimat app says the temperature 'feels like 2C'.


Sunny Radcliffe
A cold and foggy ride to visit mum in Chorley, lots of cars with no lights at all, mainly mum's on the school run. :wacko:
The fog cleared in Belmont but as time was against me I tried to cut through Brinscall and ended up on a forest track. Eventually got through to tarmac so how much time I saved I have no idea. Since getting home and studying the map I see where I went wrong. Still no real harm done.

February done. 👍


Sunny Radcliffe
Out again this cold but bright morning, rode to Leigh with Dr John, who lives in St Helens, Coffee in Costa then turned to home via Hindley and Westhoughton. Ran out of energy the last few Ks, felt really bad when I got home. Legs like jelly, I assume this was "the bonk"

Very obvious that a Greggs Vegan sausage roll is not enough to ride 50 Kms in this cold weather. :wacko:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Out again this cold but bright morning, rode to Leigh with Dr John, who lives in St Helens, Coffee in Costa then turned to home via Hindley and Westhoughton. Ran out of energy the last few Ks, felt really bad when I got home. Legs like jelly, I assume this was "the bonk"

Very obvious that a Greggs Vegan sausage roll is not enough to ride 50 Kms in this cold weather. :wacko:
Do you eat a decent breakfast? I normally wouldn't bother eating anything on a 50 km ride, but I always eat a meal a couple of hours before setting off.

I did a lumpy 51 km ride in the sunshine today. It was lovely out, but a bit nippy. I still saw a couple of riders wearing shorts though!

I have had backache for weeks so the muscles in my lower left back were playing up even before I set off. I was expecting them to seize up altogether but (very curiously!) what actually happened was that the left side eased off, to be replaced by an equivalent ache on the right side. I'm convinced that my back problems are linked to the fact that my left leg is significantly shorter than my right one. When I rode with Look pedals i used to put a shim under the left cleat but that isn't really a sensible option with (mountain bike style) SPD pedals/shoes. I might put a shorter crank on the left side and see if that helps.


Sunny Radcliffe
Had my usual porridge with banana, pomegranate seeds and honey about 2 hours before setting out. I had a couple of bars in my bag but was close to home when the symptoms first appeared, I put it down to the light but cold headwind on my way home.
I must admit to usually having a coffee in Bolton before my last 8Kms but as I had been out the day before I tried to earn some brownie points by getting home early. Alas, senior management was out when I got home. Lesson learned. :okay:


Never used Über Member
That's the February ride in the bag with a loop to Otley and back for a metric half, and not a moment too soon given the weather forecast for tomorrow and most of next week.
I'm really struggling with my cycling mojo right now, as well as general fitness, so I'm glad I made the effort and keep the challenge going for another month. Report to follow.

Anyone planning going out in the 80mph winds tomorrow? :ohmy:


Sunny Radcliffe
With the Chorlton Wanderers Sunday ride being cancelled due to the incoming storm I decided to take advantage of the calm before the storm and ride today. The wind was from the south so Irlam station was the destination, almost due south so it should be a tailwind home. Sunny but cold most of the day, lots of bikes about, only two brave souls in shorts, very quick group flew past me between Culcheth and Irlam, I was cruising around 21-23 KPH they must have been doing 30 + :eek:

Nice early lunch in Irlam Station and back home with 63 Kms done and another point. Roll on when I can get on my summer bike.
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A Happy Wanderer
Lancashire coast
Got out early this morning in case the dreaded storm arrives earlier than expected. Went down the back lanes to Preston then around the guild wheel. Managed 45 miles in some lovely weather. Thought about adding a bit more and going for an extra point, but I haven't done much lately and my legs let me know it!


World class procrastinator
Having been signed off work and told, by my GP, to ride as much as I could or wanted to ride, I have ridden.
The 6th was me being able to get 2 rides in and discovering that my GPS turns itself off in my hallway so managed a total of 53km for the day. I was pretty pleased that the wind hadn't hit this morning and went out for 22 miles - GPS did it's turning off thing in the hallway, I must live in a funny building - then a nice 11 miles and thought that would be just lovely.
I got a text and call from the ex chap, who is a bit of a twit and I am now wondering what the hell I was thinking for a couple of years, would I like a night ride as the moon is very nearly full. Yep, I can do that. I don't need to have much conversation with him, riding in to a headwind. Boy was that wind getting up. As I got back to town, it dawned on me that getting home at 46 miles was a bit pants so I whizzed around the block a couple of times and came in at 17.05 of something. Enough to give me my first 50 mile day of the year.

I am quite pleased. The riding is about all I can do at the moment so I am embracing it while I can.

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
Well, I managed to get February's ride in today ... just. I discovered this morning that an abscess had returned that makes cycling 'interesting'. Still, the sun was out and I may have missed the wind. A pic to hopefully take your mind off the medical problem. ^_^ This at Levington, looking towards Felixstowe docks.

photo 1 (1).JPG


Sunny Radcliffe
Up in Grange for a wet and wild weekend. Daughter and grandchildren are coming up for half term so getting the caravan ready.
Anyway, before Storm Dennis blows in I popped out to the Jazz Café in Arnside however the winds were much stronger than I anticipated so I was struggling on the return and the rain came in earlier than forecast. Horrible on the approach to Meathop. Caravan now resembles a laundry, heating on and a Rainbow has formed in the kitchen area. ^_^
Such fun. It is however, still better than working. :okay:


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
Tried and failed to get 50k in on Wed.
It took about 15 mins from leaving the house to reach Bob's Smithy pub where I promptly spewed my guts up. My gag reflex is becoming a real pita lately.
Having emptied my breakfast by the side of the road, I carried on into Horwich and had to stop on Lever Park Avenue because of low glucose. Jelly babies nommed and off again I set only to have to wait for a couple classes worth of school kids crossing the road.
My bike apparently, is sick. Never thought I'd hear a young person describe a touring bike as sick. There's hope for the young man.
Into Rivington at snail pace and again having to pull over for the inevitable hypo. More jelly babies and a cereal bar.
I was about to turn right heading for Limbrick when hypo no.3 struck.
Bol**ks to this I thought and turned left to go home via Chorley New Road.
Maybe next time.
13 rider

13 rider

Tried and failed to get 50k in on Wed.
It took about 15 mins from leaving the house to reach Bob's Smithy pub where I promptly spewed my guts up. My gag reflex is becoming a real pita lately.
Having emptied my breakfast by the side of the road, I carried on into Horwich and had to stop on Lever Park Avenue because of low glucose. Jelly babies nommed and off again I set only to have to wait for a couple classes worth of school kids crossing the road.
My bike apparently, is sick. Never thought I'd hear a young person describe a touring bike as sick. There's hope for the young man.
Into Rivington at snail pace and again having to pull over for the inevitable hypo. More jelly babies and a cereal bar.
I was about to turn right heading for Limbrick when hypo no.3 struck.
Bol**ks to this I thought and turned left to go home via Chorley New Road.
Maybe next time.
A like for the attempt but not the hypos , he's hoping for better health for another attempt
13 rider

13 rider

9 Feb : 39 miles. Gravel and lava ride Fuerteventura. La Cotina, Corralejo, Hoya Honda, La Cotina.

Hope this isn't the only 50k + ride this month but its not looking good.....
According to my new just invented rule ,rides have to be from within your home country . This has nothing to do with me being jealous of you popping off for some winter sunshine while I ride in the wind and rain .
Only joking :okay: . Hope you had a lovely break . Take care on the Cornish lanes I suspect they will be lots of debris on them if my local lanes are anything to judge by
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