The 2020 Half century (50km or 50m) a month Chatzone

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January done. :okay:

Set off this morning for a meet up with the ex-Saga CC now renamed “Team TBC“ boys for a little spin out. All six of us turned out which is a rarity in itself as normally at least one of us usually can’t make it! :laugh:
Cool but not freezing, we started a little after 0815 and it was our usual route of sorts, pan flat roads skirting along the borders of southern Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and NW Leicestershire with the only climb of note being between Long Whatton and Kegworth. Managed to nab another veloviewer square that I missed on New Years Eve as well. Stopped off at Kegworth about 21 miles in for breakfast at Oakland’s cafe which is renowned locally for its breakfast culinary prowess. Today didn’t disappoint either, most of the lads opting for a full English while I was a little more conservative in my choices with a bacon roll (or cob as it’s known in these parts but let’s not go there eh?:laugh:) two hash browns, and a chocolate flapjack washed down with a latte and a pot of tea.

One of the lads had to shoot off early due to other commitments so we were down to five for the return journey. We deviated from the planned route as Will decided he was gonna take us on a “mystery tour.” :ohmy:

When Will says things like that it’s time to be worried because it’s very rarely without incident! Heading up the old A6 towards the M1 J24 island, we picked up some cycle paths that ran parallel with the A50 and before long we were at Castle Donington and Will’s motives became clear......

There’s been a new road put in to bypass the village itself which is complete but not yet open and still fenced off (yes you can see where this is going can’t you? :rolleyes::laugh:) Will lifts the heras fencing, we all sneak underneath and try our luck.....

On the plus side it’s a beautiful surface and not half as steep as riding through the main village (all uphill) and we obviously had the freedom to ride wherever we liked! When it does actually open this will be a godsend as those who know this area will benefit massively on their commutes. Reaching the top without being arrested or chased by dogs and such like, we got back onto the loop road that skirts around East Midlands Airport and back onto the planned route which we rejoined at Donington Park. Had a bit of a thrashfest for a few miles as we reached Melbourne and said our goodbyes to Will and Tim at this point as they live there.

To quote the Genesis album title “And Then There Were Three” we blobbed up and chain ganged it back to Swarkestone where I was totally spent having done the lions share on the front only for the other two to take the glory!

34.6 (55.7) in 2:01.

*copying to YRT*

Slighlty off topic, that's not an album that ever inspires me....its like Steve Hackett leaving meant they didn't know what to do until Phil found the Linn drum machine....

More on topic, 75 mile ride to get me to 4 points for the year so far! Lovely bit of square grabbing!


slower but no further
SE London
Thanks to @13 rider for doing the legwork. However they forgot to add in 'de rulez' that if you don't do it in shorts - it doesn't count :smile:


Legendary Member
Great ride today from Gatehouse of Fleet to Clatteringshaws Loch and back with Warren from Galloway Cycling Holidays to recce his new route. 63km total with about 50% on forest tracks and the temperature didn't rise above 6C. Coffee and cake at the Café at Clatteringshaws on Queens Way then back via Loch Skerrow (on what looked a promising track at first but turned into a knee deep water logged push close to the end) for a coffee brew at Big Water of Fleet Viaduct before the last downhill tarmac push back to Gatehouse. Great day, great route, great coffee and great company







(Warren's photo)

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
I've had it mind to try to do a 50 mile ride each month, this year as well as thew 50k, and to that end went out today to split the difference and do 40 miles as a warm-up. Unfortunately, the warm-up bit didn't happen - I misjudged the wind-chill factor and decided to curtail the ride. I still managed 35.7 miles (according to Google) and I did get to see some nice sights. This from one of the truly mega-high points in Suffolk. :whistle:

photo 2 (1).JPG


I still haven't even managed a commute ride yet this year. :sad:

Between over celebrating hogmanay, poor weather then finally catching this cold that seems to be everywhere at the moment it's been a tough start to the year. I fly out on holiday soon for 3 weeks, so touch and go whether i fall at the first hurdle this year already.


Sunny Radcliffe
The first Chorlton Wanderers ride of the year today, set off in the rain this morning for the not overly pleasant ride through Manchester City centre to meet up with the Wanderers as the rain eased off, we actually saw the sun, all be it briefly. Lots of bike paths and cycleways to a very nice lunch in the Boars Head in Higher Poynton just off the Middlewood Way and very nice too. More off road after lunch into Stockport and Didsbury before the drag back home through Manchester. Bike is now FILTHY and the brake pads have all but disappeared. Still, another good ride and two points.


World class procrastinator
Count me in.
I had planned to do my first 50km on holiday but, with the dogs, my friend, a bag for a week's food and a bag for clothes each, there wasn't room for a bike afterall. Not even with the wheels off. I tried. I have a Polo, so not the biggest car in the world.
Then I planned to do the ride yesterday but the wind was just plain nasty.
Today I planned to ride in the afternoon but ride buddy wanted to go home as it looked like rain. I rode 21.3km with him and then made the 1.65km ride back to mine last for 8km. I was keeping my powder dry as I knew that it was going to be a bright, moonlit night. I left mine at around 6.30pm and did a nice 8km to ride buddies (he hadn't yet changed in to cycling clothing :ohmy: so a bit annoyed) but 10 minutes later we were off on a favourite 10 mile route. We got some of the way round, took a side road and followed it up and back, as it's really quiet at the best of times, then headed back. By taking the slightly longer routeback (an additional half a mile or so), I came in at 32.5km for the night ride. 61km for the day so that'll do me.:bicycle:

I got 51 points last year. I am not overly fussed about beating it this year but it would be nice.


Reading @13 rider’s introduction to the 2020 challenge I noted his suggestion that we try to beat our previous best points total, I’m afraid I’ll be doing the opposite and going for my lowest!

When I first entered the challenge in 2016 my target was a minimum 100 points and 4,000 miles. I achieved the points total in 2016 but had narrow misses in 2017/18 before reaching it last year. However, with advancing age I’ve found it difficult and a chore at times, so this year I’m aiming for 12 points and not setting a mileage target.

I’m still riding regularly though but shorter distances, I really have not enjoyed the wet muddy roads and strong winds of the past few months.

Another factor is that I’m likely to buy an electric assist bike soon. Over the last year or 2 it’s been increasingly difficult for me to get up hills and I’ve been planning routes that avoid climbing. These rides are a bit boring though and some assistance will enable me to get back into the hills.

I guess the challenge applies to manual powered rides only and electric assistance is ‘cheating’, so these rides couldn’t be included in the challenge which reduces the scope for scoring points.
13 rider

13 rider

Reading @13 rider’s introduction to the 2020 challenge I noted his suggestion that we try to beat our previous best points total, I’m afraid I’ll be doing the opposite and going for my lowest!

When I first entered the challenge in 2016 my target was a minimum 100 points and 4,000 miles. I achieved the points total in 2016 but had narrow misses in 2017/18 before reaching it last year. However, with advancing age I’ve found it difficult and a chore at times, so this year I’m aiming for 12 points and not setting a mileage target.

I’m still riding regularly though but shorter distances, I really have not enjoyed the wet muddy roads and strong winds of the past few months.

Another factor is that I’m likely to buy an electric assist bike soon. Over the last year or 2 it’s been increasingly difficult for me to get up hills and I’ve been planning routes that avoid climbing. These rides are a bit boring though and some assistance will enable me to get back into the hills.

I guess the challenge applies to manual powered rides only and electric assistance is ‘cheating’, so these rides couldn’t be included in the challenge which reduces the scope for scoring points.
I have absolutely no problem with E bike rides . If that keeps you riding then go for it , if you feel these rides are against the ethos of the challenge that will be your choice but there fine by me . I can see why your cutting back at the end of the day cycling should be fun not a chore
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