Tells us what cycling is coming up on TV....

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Kilometre nibbler
So live coverage on the TdeF Femmes doesn't start until 15:00 UK time on standard Eurosport (I'm not paying for Discovery).... so not very full coverage. And no live Vuelta coverage at all today.

It also doesn't start on Discovery Plus until 3. Must be whoever is providing the picture stream


Kilometre nibbler
@Mo1959 the stuff on Eurosport 1 at the moment isn't live, it's highlights. Live doesn't start til 3

The Vuelta has started but Eurosport don't have pictures yet, so it's studio waffle on ES2.

The TdF coverage right from the depart has spoiled us.


Kilometre nibbler
Well I'm sitting watching it now and have been for a while, live pictures were delayed as the headwind has slowed the race and they weren't as far in as the tv provider expected.
Really? What are you watching? My program guide says highlights of stage 6. And I've just switched over to ES1 and its' showing Justine Ghekiere crossing the line yesterday. Definitely no live coverage til 3 (TdFF)

Or do you mean the Vuelta on ES2? They were promising live coverage but when I posted all I had was Carlton apologising for the lack of pictures. That has just started.


Started young, and still going.
Todays stage of the Vuelta isn't very lively so far, it may come to life eventually.
I'm waiting for the TDF Femmes to come on to Disco+


Über Member
Or do you mean the Vuelta on ES2? They were promising live coverage but when I posted all I had was Carlton apologising for the lack of pictures. That has just started.
This and as I said "live pictures were delayed as the headwind has slowed the race and they weren't as far in as the tv provider expected."

I think part of the problem is time zones Portugal and the UK are at the same time whereas Spain, France etc are all an hour ahead so live coverage was supposed to start at 2pm local time but 3pm in Spain etc.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Thanks.... I've got ES 1 and 2 HD (521 and 522) and having actually gone into those channels I can see that you're right... thanks a lot and not so much thanks to whoever control the Virgin channel guide.
Eurosport programme guide listings are a work of fiction. No platform is immune!

It's almost as predictable as Quest failing to show the highlights, as happened again yesterday.

I guess Warner Brothers make more money by not having enough staff to run things properly.
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