Chain is knackered as it's all jammed and bunched up. Obviously that's not clearly visible on a picture of the front wheel

Tyres are shot and deteriorating. Brake blocks - well they're over 30 years old so they are going straight in the bin. Rear mech may be in trouble because, due to the jamming up event it's been fully extended for years which may have affected the springs. I'll find that out when I get to it. I have a spare Sora mech that I'll take just in case but it may not be suitable. Cables are no bother and I'll do them as a matter of course.
Cool - new chain and tyres it is then - I won't labour the point about the brake blocks but if they're not visibly perished I'm sure they're fine...
I'd expect the RD to be OK as springs are typically very forgiving unless over-extended past their elastic limit.
As for tyres; Schwalbe do some decent budget offerings - I was recommended Delta Cruisers when I asked a similar question and got some 700x32c items for the Fuji. No initial complaints although less than a year later there are (hopefully superficial...?) cracks in their sidewalls. I'm not sure if this is an age / quality / counterfeit issue; needless to say the tosser I bought them from on
ebay has resolutely failed to respond to my messages on the subject
Cantis are an absolute pain in the rear end. The only good thing with cantis is that Vs fit on the same bosses, but you will have to change the levers too, as the pull is different between Vs and cantis.
Yes; I've just gone down tht pull ratio rabbithole myself - if anyone has any questions on this subject I can probably answer them!
From my limited experience of them, I agree.

Easier to get my LBS to do it and drop them a few quid for the peace of mind. Not good to mess with brakes you're not confident about.
I've read this a lot but never had the pleasure - what exactly is the issue with them?
They seem straightforward enough, but then so do the V' so n my Fuji and they're a pain... although they are paired with a set of levers that only pull about half the cable they're supposed to, which is probably the core issue.