Team Sky, Brailsford and doping

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Active Member
If the rules penalised Teams harder then we would see it change. SKY have made a noble gesture but it could backfire also, time will tell however if they find it hard in the future finding ex-riders/management who do ot have a doping conviction/accusation.

I sincerely hope it works out well for them as we want to see more UK wins in GT's.
Really, that's Brailsford's reason? I'm not sure he deserves the view from the moral high ground you've given him. Why would you trash Kimmage like that - he is potentially a key component in a painful but necessary examination of pro cycling.
Have you read "Rough Ride"? Your flippancy regarding Kimmage is.....disappointing.

Kimmage was less than complimentary about Sky and Wiggins, but one wonders just how much is a disagreement or clash betweenthe participants and how much is real concern

“People ask me how I feel about Wiggins leading the Tour de France – I don’t know, I can’t answer the question. I should be jumping up and down and thrilled for the guys, but I don’t like what I am hearing,” he told VeloNation earlier this week. “When asked about doping, the answers from Wiggins now sound the same as with Armstrong and Floyd.”


Kimmage was less than complimentary about Sky and Wiggins, but one wonders just how much is a disagreement or clash betweenthe participants and how much is real concern

“The only thing I ever hoped about Sky is that they were transparent." I didn’t care if they won the Tour or not"
I think this might illustrate the rift between the two parties. Brailsford wants to win races, and Kimmage would be at best be a distraction.
I get the increasing feeling that this is sour grapes by Kimmage. Why doesn't he get on someone elses bus, won't they have him either?

“The only thing I ever hoped about Sky is that they were transparent." I didn’t care if they won the Tour or not"
I think this might illustrate the rift between the two parties. Brailsford wants to win races, and Kimmage would be at best be a distraction.
I get the increasing feeling that this is sour grapes by Kimmage. Why doesn't he get on someone elses bus, won't they have him either?

Quite possible that he is seen as "persona non grata" due to his part in bringing cycling down to the present position.

As much as many would like to think Armstrong was unique, as was the USPS doping system, it wasn't. The fact that there is still rejection of many who took part in the exposing of doping in this period speaks for itself.

With claims of clean riding, does a team want a journalist who has exposed PED use in the past working inside their cocoon?

rich p

ridiculous old lush

With claims of clean riding, does a team want a journalist who has exposed PED use in the past working inside their cocoon?
Evidently, they didn't but your implication as to why they didn't might be interesting. Are you suggesting they didn't want an investigative journalist embedded because they have something to hide?

just jim

“The only thing I ever hoped about Sky is that they were transparent." I didn’t care if they won the Tour or not"
I think this might illustrate the rift between the two parties. Brailsford wants to win races, and Kimmage would be at best be a distraction.
I get the increasing feeling that this is sour grapes by Kimmage. Why doesn't he get on someone elses bus, won't they have him either?

What is your problem with Kimmage exactly?
He was a pro rider who took the decision to leave the sport he loved rather than take P.E.Ds.
He went on to be a respected journalist who has tolerated derision and the effects of omerta down the years. More and more people are now waking up and smelling the coffee, and noticing just how relevant his views are.
His probity is without question. Perhaps that's why SKY turned him down - he's not just another SKY sycophant to embed with the P.R team.
Evidently, they didn't but your implication as to why they didn't might be interesting. Are you suggesting they didn't want an investigative journalist embedded because they have something to hide?

Read the posts in order?

This was a clear reply as to why there was conflict between SKY and Kimmage

Alun then asked why not another team bus.....

I stated that it was possible that he was unpopular because of his previous work in exposing the use of PED, a proven occurence within the Peloton, and not having him working inside the cocoon for this reason . At the moment they can insulate themselves from an unpleasant past, Kimmage's resence is a reminder of how the teams have previously behaved.

If you wish to interpret that as them having something to hide then that is entirely your assumption and completely different from what was actually posted


What is your problem with Kimmage exactly?
He was a pro rider who took the decision to leave the sport he loved rather than take P.E.Ds.
He went on to be a respected journalist who has tolerated derision and the effects of omerta down the years. More and more people are now waking up and smelling the coffee, and noticing just how relevant his views are.
His probity is without question. Perhaps that's why SKY turned him down - he's not just another SKY sycophant to embed with the P.R team.

Kimmage left the sport because he was struggling to find a contract and realised journalism was going to be more lucrative to him than cycle racing.

just jim

That would be the cynical point of view of course. Thanks for nothing.

just jim

Fortunately the passing of time has proved Kimmage correct, and what he has to say is more relevant than ever.
Fortunately the passing of time has proved Kimmage correct, and what he has to say is more relevant than ever.

Not according to some!

Apparently he was very very naughty to criticise Wiggins, and what Kimmage says is a total irrelevance


Richie Porte chips in , or toes the party line, depending on how you take it.
The more I think about it, the happier I am with Sky's zero tolerance policy, whereas I thought previously that the Garmin Sharp model was the way to go. Personally I think the whole sport should embrace a truth and reconciliation period followed by zero tolerance for anything new that comes to light. Life bans from riding, coaching, all involvement with racing would be fine with me.
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