I'm home, but not allowed to exercise (or drive) for 4 weeks, and then I need a CT Scan and an angiogram to find out if it's OK to get back to exercise.
So no way I'll be riding in April or May leagues, and there seems little point in paying my Premium subs, so I can't even do the league admin!
Bill, If you're OK to admin the league in my absence, I'll do what I can to help.
I did prepare the handicap info for this weeks Chain Gang Handicap chase, and will try and video it from different rider's perspectives if I can, as I won't be taking part.
Here are the handicaps based on last months run ...
Adski 13:02
Bill S 12:39
Geoff 12:10
Kipster 11:27
Monte 7:36
Randy Berlin 7:30
Bobinski 7:09
Blueface 6:28
Rayvon 6:16
Richylad 4:17
Paul F 3:44
WILS 0:00
If anyone else wants to join in on Thursday or Saturday, we can sort out a handicap based on fitness level or previous times.