Well, I pay €4.99 for Bkool and £0 for MyWhoosh and TPV. Got me covered I think?
Those are excellent deals. Whoosh and TPV are currently free, expect a subscription soon though. Similar to Zwift.
Well, I pay €4.99 for Bkool and £0 for MyWhoosh and TPV. Got me covered I think?
Hi BertyI did enjoy Zwift , always something going on to suit what you needed . I left it because it promoted me so I couldn’t race with people I liked racing with even though I was going the same speed . I weighed less so had to kick out higher av watts to do same speed and that didn’t suit , so I did my own thing .
I could have just cruised round courses , got demoted and raced in same cat but I use turbo to get as fit as I can not to win races by any means
No app in the world will ever be able to allow for people who throw races just so they can win the next one and I don’t think they should even bother trying , just flag so you know not to bother with the idiots . But that’s just my opinion , we all use turbos for different outcomes
I try hard as I can and check numbers at end , some will manipulate figures during and some don’t look at the numbers at all - each to their own.
I did enjoy Zwift , always something going on to suit what you needed . I left it because it promoted me so I couldn’t race with people I liked racing with even though I was going the same speed . I weighed less so had to kick out higher av watts to do same speed and that didn’t suit , so I did my own thing .
I could have just cruised round courses , got demoted and raced in same cat but I use turbo to get as fit as I can not to win races by any means
No app in the world will ever be able to allow for people who throw races just so they can win the next one and I don’t think they should even bother trying , just flag so you know not to bother with the idiots . But that’s just my opinion , we all use turbos for different outcomes
I try hard as I can and check numbers at end , some will manipulate figures during and some don’t look at the numbers at all - each to their own.
It must have been on your end. My working theory is your wife was on about 20 different bike sites looking for a Christmas present for her hubby who buys himself whatever bike stuff he wants. Cut her a break and mention a new helmet.. uh no too many already. Titanium parts .. again Been done..I just completed stage 1 Randy. Is it a course you’ve done before. The first half of the race the camera moved from fixed position to fixed position rather than moving with the avatar. The second half of the race the camera moved, but I was cycling in the clouds. Not unpleasant to be fair. And it could have just been an issue my end.
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Don’t be fooled by the watts, it must of been a momentary leg twitch!
Hey! Are you accusing me of cheating just because I happen to be fast?
I may be sand bagging just to set you guys up for a large cash bet.
It’s not bad, have another free 7 days in my email again. Every man & his dog are on Zwift, even the ones who said it’s for dick heads have joined.
It must have been on your end. My working theory is your wife was on about 20 different bike sites looking for a Christmas present for her hubby who buys himself whatever bike stuff he wants. Cut her a break and mention a new helmet.. uh no too many already. Titanium parts .. again Been done..
That poor woman, the pressure is tough.
I wish!
Thinking about turbo tonight - will others be doing the route tomorrow so I could join or should I just tt it tonight ?
Did you buy the new colnago?😁
Thinking about turbo tonight - will others be doing the route tomorrow so I could join or should I just tt it tonight ?